My Digital Footprint

When I was young, I used to be nervous and scared if someday I will be known to random people and be chased down by someone (like a kidnapper). So, when I started to use social media, I always made sure to keep my accounts all private and never use my name or something similar for my usernames. I also avoid putting my information out on public even though it must have been safe. As expected, nothing about me, or my information came out even though I putted my name on quotation marks. I tried searching up my Korean name too. Not a single information was found about me on the internet. Well I did find some interesting stuff. There was an actress who had the same name as me and an author who had the same as me. I was also surprised because I found an article about a lady who died in San Francisco by a train accident. She also had the same name as me. 

In my opinion, I think I did a good job on keeping my identity safe and private. I never named my username related to my name for any of my accounts and never posted a picture with my face or my friends in public. And of course, information about me would never be found. They were all secured and private from public. Also, because of some experience of being cyber bullied, I’ve always been careful with my words when I comment on a post.

Time Poem Anthology

For each poem I tried my best to give each it’s theme with fonts and background. I enjoyed designing each page with the right theme for it. I generated my ideas at the same time while I was making my flipbook. And if I get to work on a project similar to this I thought of improving how to fill up empty space so it looks less empty. I learned how to make flipbooks and publish flipbooks on edublog. I had fun making this project because of how we get to choose our topics and get to design them freely and enjoy making this. 

Speech Unit Reflection

In this unit I learned what Centennial intranet is. Centennial intranet contains different kinds of cites where it can help us with researches for school project. I used World Book Online the most for databases. I found it very easy and simple to use compared to other databases. Most of the information I got for my speech was from FDA. FDA had a lot of information about marijuana and reasons why they didn’t agreed to using marijuana for medical reasons. Next time I’ll try using different databases then the ones I used. Even though I might get confuse using it.