Final Art Piece

My final art piece was a sunset view from my other house.

Creative thinking:
this piece was made with acrylic paint. the difficulty i had with this piece was trying to blend all the colours together and make sure everything was even and looked good. At first, i wasn’t sure what medium i wanted but i settled on acrylic paint. To make sure that the other paint wouldn’t get on the black lines, i used masking tape so i wouldn’t need to repaint the lines, which was my hardest struggle. I wish i had added more mountain landscapes and more white to the sunset.

Art Studio Core Competency Reflection.

Creative Thinking Skills.

My Artifact: This is a drawing that i did in my bi-weekly journal. This drawing symbolizes my birth flowers. The skills i learned for this drawing was to add drawings to the negative space and space out your thinking by adding depth to the imagine and seeing what other inquires you should add to the picture. I chose to draw my birth flowers because, they both have many details that i couldn’t possibly miss and i felt that it would be a fun and simple drawing to include in my journal.