Tag Archives: #CreativeFluencyProject

My Self-Portrait

Have you ever imagined one of your closest friends living with you everyday. That’s what it’s like with a dog. They’re loving most of the time but can sometimes be the complete opposite. After thinking about it I realized that I am a dog. Dogs can be kind, gentle and calm, but when they’re mad they can become competitive or aggressive quickly. I’m like this with my brothers. They can be very annoying and sometimes I can get physical but I try to be patient with them. Dogs spend most of they’re time playing around with their owners and other people, if I could, I’d spend all my time with my friends. I’ve never had the privilege of owning a dog. The closest I’ve had is a hamster. I think it would be great having a dog because I’d actually get to play with him. Hopefully I’ll get a dog some day but I’ll just have to wait and see.


In my self portrait I used a background of space because that’s something that interests me, and I think that it’s beautiful. I included some of my favourite animals, sports and my favourite subject. To get these ideas I just tried to think about some of my favourite things like snakes, volleyball, math and board games. I put the thing most important to me in the centre, my religion’s website, which I enjoyed putting in there. I probably could have put the images on in a more creative way than just putting them all on everywhere. I’ve never been that creative anyway.