Leadership Core Competency Reflection

Describe 1 leadership quality you possess and provide an example of that quality; describe 1 leadership skill you possess and provide an example.


Collaboration is when you work with other people on a common goal. I do this every week on the Cent Show where I have to work with the rest of the CS crew to gather scores from games that happened over the weekend. Like last week, where I got two out of the three scores I needed.


Time Management is when you manage your time effectually. I do this every week on the Cent Show where I actually now have responsibilities I have to keep up with over the weekend (not including studying for whatever nightmare fuel test Asano cooks up). This has, unfortunately, resulted in me having to plan my day out beforehand. Like last week, where I said “im going to do my homework and then edit a bit and then play games”

Describe 1 leadership quality would like to develop by the end of the course; describe 1 leadership skill that you would like to develop.


Confidence is the belief that an outcome will be positive. Pretty self-explanatory. I don’t know how to develop this one.


I want to be able to teach other people how to do a thing correctly and efficiently. I’ll get plenty of practice teaching some would-be editors and being an unofficial peer tutor for my woodworking class.

The Reflection?!?!?!?!?

I can work with others to achieve a goal. Having spent around 2-3 school semesters doing the same thing over and over again, we’ve honed the art of doing something as a group and “achieving the goal”. Instead of taking one hour in constant rush to film an episode, we take two hours while talking salad the entire time. If we still had the time constraint of filming before school, we’d probably take like 30 minutes. Ive always known how to work with others to achieve a goal, I just got better at it.