Scale Factor Project Reflection

Finance Project Edublog Post

Core Competency Reflection

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include finding strategies to help me complete my task efficiently and reliably; for example, I scaled a Superman logo five times the original photo and made one that was 1/2 the logo. In this task, I found it easy to scale 5x but often found it challenging to 1/2 the scale, so I thought to myself, “what are some strategies to help me reach succession?” then I found that when you take 5x original scale and move the decimal place by one to the left, it creates a scale that is 1/2 the original logo. this strategy helped me complete my task


In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking questions about the topic.
When communicating with others, you need to ask questions to know honestly what they are implying and their thoughts. The person answering the question can form a deeper connection with their thoughts, allowing them to practice teaching and clarifying information. Finding methods to build and extend understanding is integral to our daily lives.

I notice when people feel left out and do this… to make sure they feel included.
Inclusion is a significant contribution to the community, making people feel welcomed and belonged helps build our community, whether its your school, class, at home, or just hanging out, making people feel included and finding ways to do that can help other people in your community.

when i need to boost my mood or to re-focus, I try to take small breaks in between my work sessions. this is a big goal for me, as focusing can be challenging especialy when I have good friends in my class, I often try to refocus but sometimes disctractions can be tempting. in order for me to reach this goal, i will think of stategies and methods that help me focus.


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