Winter Break Home Lab


-Salmon with Mango Salsa and Rice

The main dish I was suppose to use salmon but I didn’t have it, instead I used a different kind of fish. I sautéed onions with the fish but found that it still needed more flavour. I also didn’t like the kind of fish and I think the salmon would’ve tasted much better with it. The salsa tasted really good but I had to take the raw onion out because I felt it didn’t go well with the mango. The rice tasted good and I mixed it with the fish. The process of making this meal was good but I wouldn’t make this again.

-Chicken Pot Pie

The appetizer turned out really good. The filling turned out really good. I bought the dessert crust so it was a little sweet but it still tasted good. Next time I would also cut the carrots and peas into smaller pieces. I cooked a few batches so cooked good but some I under cooked.

-Banana Muffins

For dessert I made banana muffins that turned out delicious! They were so soft and I would make this again. I added in chocolate chips in some of the muffins and it tasted great. It was super easy and took 10-15 mins to make.


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