Archive of ‘Senior Foods – 12’ category


The waffles are made from leavened batter. This was a easier lab to do, because I have made waffles before. I put the batter in a waffle iron grill to give it that patterned and characteristic size and shape. I served it with blueberry sauce, next time I wouldn’t add as much because it was very sweet. This lab has been one of my favourite labs, because it’s easy to make at home and tastes delicious.


The frittata is a egg based dish, that has potato, feta, eggs, tomato, spinach, onion, and pepper. If I were to make this again I would cook the potato longer, because it was a little raw. Another thing I would do is make sure my partner and I have read over the recipe, because there was not enough egg in the food. The food was very flavourful and filling. I got more practice with my knife skills because there was lots of vegetables to cut.

Breakfast Sandwich

My partner and I decided to really challenge are selves for this lab. We decided to make homemade croissants, instead of baking a scone or biscuit. When making the croissants at home I tried following the recipe to the best of my ability, but they didn’t turn out light and flaky. The filling in the croissant was tasty, and healthy. Next time I would try a two day recipe instead of a one day recipe for the croissants. My partner did a t

wo day recipe and hers meet product standards.

eggs your way and scones

This lab gave everyone a opportunity to cook an egg in many different ways. I chose to make a poached egg because I’ve never cooked a egg this way. I thought it was going to be more difficult, but it was very simple to cook. It was more of a individual work when cooking the egg, and I learned to work independently in the kitchen. The scones turned out with flaky layers, and tasted slightly sweetened. To make it flaky I thoroughly sifted the dry ingredients and used a pastry blender for the butter. It was difficult to keep the butter cold when mixing the ingredients.

Banana Muffins

The banana muffin lab is a quick bread method. Containing bananas and lots of delicious ingredients that bring the muffins together. The muffins were baked in the oven to perfection. I had great communication with my partner during the lab.​ We used the muffin method and we demonstrated good team work. I have worked in this kitchen before so this lab was a good refresher to knowing where all the equipment is.

Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies


This lab was the first thing we baked in class. It was easy to make and was delicious. The cookies were similar shape and size, soft, also golden brown. They’re more healthier than store bought cookies, because you know the ingredients and what’s inside. I worked well with my partner and worked on time. The reason why we did this lab was so we can get familiar where the equipment is in the kitchen. Also, we did this because we can get familiar with the environment that we will be working in.

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