About Me

My Bio

My name is Kaitlyn Larmer

My best courses are Precalculus, Science, Japanese and Business Ed.

My most challenging courses are Social Studies, Digital Literacy, Photography and English Language Arts.

I learn best by doing partner or group activities and talking about the assignments with other students in class.

Some words that describe me are daring, extra, loving, capable, extreme and empathetic.

Some things I would like you to know about me is that I do CrossFit, rock climbing, football, basketball, soccer and rugby. Most of those sports I participate in are on the school teams, but if there is a chance to play sports, you know I will take it!

Some of my goals for grade 9 are to become great at math, get better at the courses I struggle in, and to take some grade 10 courses in grade 9.

Some of my goals throughout high-school right now would be to graduate early, graduate with honours and build good building blocks for my future as a businesswoman or cosmetic surgeon.

I love expressing myself with music, my athletic ability, being social and trying hard with everything I do.

When I am having trouble with something I get frustrated and I am easily irritated. I wish to change this during my high-school experience. Although I have trouble not getting frustrated, I do ask for help and take breaks to calm myself down.

I love animals and how they always have good energy.

My Favourite Website



This is my favourite website because I love Abraham Hicks and what they talk about. On their YouTube site, they talk about the Law of Attraction and the steps on how to change your life with your mindset and with the help of the universe. I refer to Abraham Hicks as “they” because Abraham Hicks is not just one person. The main speaker, Esther Hicks, refers to herself and her website as “everyone”. She does this because she knows that the universe is not a person. “They” however, is a higher power. This website is good if you want to make a pivotal change in your life in the right direction, or if you would like to change your thinking and make “More Good Stuff Happen”. There isn’t much I would like to change about my thinking at this moment in my life, but I watch their videos just to help me grasp the concept of The Law of Attraction and make more good stuff appear in my life.

My Favourite Video

In this video, Esther Hicks is the main speaker and she is talking to a live group. She asks one person at a time to ask her question about the topic they are focusing on that day. I like this video because it explains perfectly how The Law of Attraction Works in my view. This video is how I got started with The Law of Attraction.

My Favourite Image


This is my favourite image because it is a photo of my favourite TV anime show called Haikyuu!! The show is about a high-school boys’ volleyball team at Karasuno High School and how they started from the bottom of their volleyball career and worked their way up to Nationals. This picture describes how I love sports and anime, along with encouraging, upbeat and happy TV shows.

My Favourite Quote

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.”

Steve Jobs


This is my favourite quote because everyone these days is so concerned with other people’s lives and what they’re doing, that they don’t get to enjoy their own life and what they’re doing. I think that this is mostly because of social media, where people think they aren’t enough with what they have and what they’re doing. This causes depression in today’s society. I prefer to make a future for myself and get rich and famous by myself without the help or influence of others on social media that probably don’t even live the life they’re saying they do.



