where the blood mixes

The examples in the literature states that mooch is a caring and strong character. Mooch has been through a lot in his life and is still trying to be the best person he can to the people around him. To start off mooch is a solicitous person he shows his kindness when “he took Floyd out of the bar when he was drunk” this action showed how much mooch cares for his friend Floyd. As the play continues Mooch starts talking about his time at residential school, he doesn’t get into detail, but he says “he was abused sexually, mentally and psychically” this part of the play shows that mooch is a survivor, for all his has been through to still be kind to others and alive is a very big deal. Lastly Mooch is a fighter, near the end of the play we learned that “Anna killed herself by jumping off a bridge and Mooch saw her do it” this is an extremely hard thing to witness along with all the other traumatizing experiences mooch has gone through in his life. After everything he has gone through being alive and spending time with his friend, making jokes is in a way a miracle. Altogether mooch is an incredibly strong character who puts up a fight every day. 


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