Favorite Recipe

Lemon Arugula Spaghetti Casio e Pepe

Making and Sharing Reflection

During this lab we 2 separate tools to create this flavorful dish. We started off by cooking our noodles in lightly salted water, and then started the other cooking processes in a large cast iron skillet. For this dish little goes a long way. A little bit of a good quality food truly goes miles. to really enhance the dish use real parm and fancy bacon. Just adding those two ingredients make the dish that much better. For this dish time is a critical aspect of the cooking process. You really need to be causes of the time so you don’t over cook anything. this dish takes very little to mess up. personally i would share this dish with a family friend. I chose this person because she’s Italian and really enjoys food and experimenting. she also find so much joy in watching me cook and explore the culinary world.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in… When I ask my peers questions when i am unsure of what to do. I also actively ask the teacher questions when I’m unsure of a task or step during or before a lab.

While working in the kitchen, I help to build and extend understanding by… watching the suggested videos before beginning the lab. as well as asking questions as needed and reading and re reading the recipe to make sure i fully understand the recipe before I start the prep and cooking.

One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to… before the lab begins reviewing the recipe as a group . Then asking questions to insure everyone is clear on what the task at hand is; Shortly followed by the assigning of tasks. Then after we establish who does what we make sure everyone is prepped and ready to begin.

Favorite Recipe


Making and Sharing Reflection

For this lab we had to work collaboratively with our group members; We had two members of the group making crapes while the other two made the waffles. During this lab we had to also collaboratively work together by assigning role, and working together on certain aspects of the food making process. We as a group chose who did what by using the “dibs” style of assigning. Quite simply one group dips the waffles and the other took the crapes. Then we all worked together on the topping.

Core Competency reflection

As an active listener I have noticed that during the demos the day before our teacher usually gives us all the answers for our recipe sheets.

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposely can be seen, while we prep before the cooking starts. During the cooking process communicating what has gotten done and what still needs to be completed, and if we have followed the instructions correctly.

One way I ensure my group is clear on communication is before we start cooking we have a conversation about whos doing what and when it should all be done.

I know my group members are all working well together when there is silence and everybody knows exactly what to do.