Anatomy and Physiology 12 Core Competency Self Assessment

My pig dissection – this photo shows the first two incisions of the pig revealing parts such as the esophagus and salivary glands.

Core Competency

The pig dissection involved the experience of communication and attentive listening. Before we began the lab, we were required to watch and listen to a demo the day before. The demo included a step-by-step procedure of dissecting the pig, where specific organs are, and how to safely use the lab equipment. The dissection of the pig was not easy, so communication among our peers was necessary. An oral quiz was required to present our learning in front of the teacher. Because my partner and I failed the first time, we ensured to communicate our ideas with other classmates so that both of us were successful in the oral quiz. Next time, I aim to improve my preparation for the oral quiz and ask for help and feedback if necessary.

Critical thinking played a significant role during the dissection as well. Not only did we have to cut the pig open, but we had to learn the parts with respect to the digestion unit. Resources such as online, the lab book, and worksheets were provided that helped to draw conclusions about the digestion system of the pig. It was difficult because the diagrams hardly looked anything like they did in real life. We solved this problem by using real-life evidence which was the other pig dissections within the classroom.

It was important to have social awareness and responsibility while doing this lab. We were lucky enough to have pigs of our own to dissect and were given the privilege of using the lab and its tools to encourage a fun way and visual way of learning. A key component of the lab was ensuring that we were to demonstrate respectful behavior such as using the tools properly, using class time wisely, and using this opportunity to learn with our classmates.

Critical and Reflective Thinking

In foundations of math 12, the topic that I felt I understood well is the investment unit, which is the first unit of this course. It was easy to follow and understand. The topic is composed of concepts such as interest, simple interest, compound interest, portfolios, and how to use a TVM solver.

One thing I would like to learn more about in this course is how to do taxes, pay bills, and write cheques, simply all of the things I would need to know how to do when I’m living independently.

This course has changed my thinking about using my money wisely on expenses that are necessary and being open to other options that would fit my situation best, whether that is renting, leasing, or buying. Paying back loans as soon as possible won’t result in severe debt. Furthermore, if credit cards aren’t used the right way, they could be a dangerous form of payment.

I prepared for the tests by reading over my notes and doing the chapter reviews that were provided. I also used my time to go over several of the same questions we went over in class until I understood them. I asked questions during class to ensure I was on the right track while doing my homework.

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