Phopus Hurg Civilization :)

Phopus Hurg city, built by Veronika, Angelina, and myself, deeply holds dear and values; relationships, culture, animals, future, communication, nature, and also technology. We show this by:

Having many different places of recreation to promote spending time with others and show we are accepting of everyone.
Our buildings and houses have many windows and open concept floor plans for buildings, in order for residents to be able to conversate with neighbors, friends and other people around them.

We also have places that were inspired by other cultures, so everyone feels at home (like sushi, Mexican food, etc.).

Permitting pets to roam in most places in our city and ensuring they receive all the love they deserve. We also have farms, where we treat all animals with care.

We have lots and lots of green area, trees, and a monumental river “Magakattou” to show our appreciation for the earth, and love for nature. Phopus is also free of cars, as we use only llamas for transportation around our relatively small civilization.

Technology is enclosed in buildings, to portray technology staying under control/not getting out of hand. We don’t have any symbolic colours, because we accept every colour, as well as everyone 🙂

We also have a podium where in times of disagreement, Phopus residents come together to discuss what will happen to our city in near or far future.

The Monumental river with a waterfall will be integrated since water is very important for people and every other aspect of our land. It also portrays letting go of grudges and being accepting of everyone, so no one is remembered for their one mistake they made a long time ago:)


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