Mon Autobiographie


Curricular Competency Reflection

Knowing all the vocabulary from this chapter was very useful in this activity. I was able to quickly write sentences without having to constantly check my spelling. I did encounter a few difficulties. Some sentences I didn’t know how to write in French. For example I wanted to write, “I am and intermediate skier,” but I did not know the word for intermediate. Instead I changed the sentence to “I am learning to ski.” Another challenge I faced was remembering words I learned a while ago. I could not remember if “to cost” was a regular or irregular verb. In order to overcome this obstacle I referred to “Word Reference,” a translating app, to help me. Before I summited my response, I double checked my grammar with a peer and my teacher, and discovered I made a few mistakes. I corrected them and made a note to remember them in the future. Overall, I realize there is a gap between my ability communicating in my first language compared to my second, but with a bit of help, I am able to get my ideas across.

Core Competency Reflection

My support network is helpful to me because they can look over my work for any grammar mistakes I may have made.  This will help me be aware of possible mistakes to prevent them in the future.

My strategies for collecting relevant information for specific tasks include studing the information before hand, making it quicker to write my paragraph quickly.

When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I ask my peers what they wrote for inspiration. Although I will not use the same ideas because we all have different experiences. Their advice will help me get past my writing block.

I need to improve my ability to communicate clearly and purposefully in areas such as my paragraph response. I made a few grammar mistakes in my writing my response, although I was able to correct them with some help, I need to remember them in the future.
