Science Minecraft Reflection

Core Competency-Communication

My group and I had very good communication and we shared many of our ideas with each other, we worked well as a group and made sure that everyone got to have a contributing factor towards the finished project. During the beginning of the project, I had no idea how to use minecraft so that was just a bump in the road to our groups success, I was able to figure it out which really helped me contribute more towards the group. We finished the project and handed it in on time, the only thing that I regret not being able to help with was the voice over, I was unable to help with that part because I had a doctors appointment that was scheduled.

Core Competency-Thinking

during the process of making the project, we made good connections by sharing our thoughts and planning the creation of the project with eachother and taking in everyones ideas, the combined creativity of our group helped create the working wind turbine, which is a great diagram and it shows how the electricity is transferred and transformed throughout the whole city. And by building realistic looking structures we found a good balance. We also added signs that helped with explaining the energy transfers and transformations that happen in the city.

Core Competency-Personal & Social

The personal and social part of this project is almost equally as important as the first two competencies that we used, because it demonstrates how we did as a group and how we will learn to apply the skills that we used during this project towards the real world. The group collaboration was a large aspect of this project that is an extremely useful thing to be good at in real-world situations. Being able to work well in a group setting and be able to have a solid conversation with others are useful skills to have and they are skills that are able to make many aspects of your life easier.


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