Favourite Recipe

Burrito Bowls


Making and Sharing Reflection

For this lab we had to work collaboratively with our group members; my group only had 2 members during this lab so we separated things a bit differently, hector working on the honey and lime chicken and me working on warming up the spanish rice and making the tortilla chips. During this lab we had to also collaboratively work together by assigning role, and working together on certain aspects of the food making process. We as a group chose who did what by using the “dibs” style of assigning. this worked out because we both got things that we were comfortable doing. I knew that my groupmate and I were really going to like this recipe and the cooking process which ultimately decided how well this lab was going to go.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can bee seen during the process of cooking the designated recipe, I know that to have a group project be able to work out and not go into shambles is by communicating. I make sure to talk to my partner before we do anything in the kitchen just to make sure that we are on the same page about what we will be doing.

Some things that I think about before dividing up tasks among group members include who has done these tasks previously because if they have, the other group members should also have a chance to try out the different tasks that we have to do in class.


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