Transforming Parabolas

Parent Function:

My Equation:

Both equations on the same graph:

my parabola is different that the parent equation because in my equation K=-6 which will vertically shift my parabola down to the point of -6, while the parent equation has no vertical shift. in my equation H=-3 which will horizontally shift my parabola to the right until it reaches 3, and in the parent equation the parabola has no horizontal shift. Axis of symmetry for my equation is (3,0). in my equation A=4 which signifies that the parabola will be narrow and open facing up, in the parent equation A=1 which means that the parabola will still open facing up but it will be wider because the ‘A’ number got smaller. ‘A’ determines which way the parabola will open and whether it will be reflecting up or down, it also determines if the parabola will be wide or narrow. ‘H’ determines the axis of symmetry and whether the parabola will horizontally shift to the left or to the right. ‘K’ determines if the parabola will vertically shift up or down.

Self Assessment

Some ways that I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways was writing out the parabola regularly and also using Desmos and putting the equation on a graph.

I used mathematical vocabulary in my explanation about the significance of a, h, and k and how my equation was different compared to the parent equation.

the formatting that I used was clear because I stated whether it was the parent equation or my equation and I added pictures of the parabolas with the corresponding equation.


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