Favourite Recipe

Banana Chocolate chip Muffins

Making and Sharing Reflection

I Made a quick bread called a “muffin.” This muffin was crammed with ingredients such as bananas and chocolate chips. Despite the amount of ingredients that were needed to make it, it was rather easy to make, at least compared to some other recipes that have proven to be difficult. Something that went well other than its simplicity was its taste. It tasted pretty good, even though it had frozen, biohazardous looking bananas, but it was still very tasty. Something that I learned in class that was helpful was to fill the cups in the muffin pan only two thirds of the way full. This was mainly so that our muffins would stay in their designated spots and not spill all over the pan.

Core Competency reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can bee seen during the process of cooking the designated recipe, I know that to have a group project be able to work out and not go into shambles is by communicating. I make sure to talk to my partner before we do anything in the kitchen just to make sure that we are on the same page about what we will be doing.

The ways that I communicate while cooking differ from how I communicate at my taekwondo, because when i am there we have to communicate to the kids and explain to them what they have to do and how to do it properly because is we don’t and they start doing it wrong it will affect them in the long run. while when I’m cooking I have more patience because I find that it is calming.

Some things that I think about before dividing up tasks among group members include who has done these tasks previously because if they have, the other group members should also have a chance to try out the different tasks that we have to do in class.

CC Self Assessment

Communication through group discussion

See the source image

For my Core Competency I chose communication and collaboration because during class discussions I like to participate and transmit my ideas, also when we get put into groups to have our group discussions I like to say what I’m thinking and just express how I feel about the topic that we’re talking about. When I’m in a group setting I like to get my ideas across so that everyone has a chance to say what they think about it and then they can get their ideas through to the rest of the group members.

My Utopian City

Isabel and Kysha’s city


Honesty: We chose honesty because we wanted to make sure that our city has nice and friendly people. Honesty means that we are truthful in what we say and do. it means that people can rely on us because we have integrity.

Community: We chose community because we wanted to integrate different families. Community is all about having good relationships with people. It’s about coming together and being like a family.

Loyalty: We chose loyalty because it is important to know who you can count on. Loyalty is being committed to something. it’s being dedicated to a certain thing or person.

Environment: We chose green for environment cause the environment is green. the environment is important because its what keeps us alive, so we made sure to add a park and lots of gardens.

Diversity: we chose diversity because we want our city to be filled with different people who have their own opinions, we want big families who are friendly and community oriented.

Communication Reflection

i was in a group with kysha. We discussed five values that we both agree on and should be shown in our city. Since we have two hours each English class, we used our class time that we have together to make sure we get our perfect city we both want. We made a list of what values we wanted and buildings that we would include as well. To make our city, we used the program City Creator to create our design. Kysha and I collaborated well together. We made sure every decision made, would be approved by one another and if we had an issue or something we didn’t agree with to add, we would compromise and resolve it by putting in something we both agreed on. Two things I would change is make the roads more organized and change the landscape but using City Creator was a bit difficult doing that because you had to drag your mouse pad every little piece if you don’t have a mouse with you. Other than that, I am happy with the final results. I like how colourful and realistic the city is.

About me

my name is isabel and i am in ninth grade. some of my hobbies are taekwondo, baking, and reading. Taekwondo is a form of martial arts, i have been training for 10 years and i am a first dan black belt. I also like to bake because it is fun, some of my favorite things to bake are brownies and cupcakes. reading is one of my hobbies because even though some people might find it boring i find it as a way to escape reality. because when you are reading your mind takes you to where you might imagine the place looks like.

my favorite website

my favorite website is netflix, (i wasn’t able to add the link)

my favorite website is netflix because i can watch all my favorite movies/ series on there

my favorite image

China's Taekwondo coach slams Zheng Shuyin's 'bizarre' defeat - CGTN

thsi is my favorite image because it kind of shows what i do whenever i train.

my favorite qoute

if you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be. – maya angelou

this quote means alot because you see everyone trying to be what society say is “normal” but if you keep trying to be normal you will never know what your full potencial might be.



