Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

Me and my group worked collaboratively by taking turns explaining math concepts to each other during our group work on the whiteboards. When doing our group work there are times when 1-2 people don’t understand the lesson but by explaining the lesson, we deepen our own understanding while also helping others grasp the material. Explaining the math concepts can also highlight gaps in our knowledge. I communicated well with my group during group work by asking them questions about the math problem if I didn’t understand what the question was asking.

I committed to individual practice by setting clear goals for myself, and creating a schedule. My goals were to make sure that all the assigned workbook questions would be completed before the next days lesson, so that I would later be able to grasp the concept better. This helped me dig deeper into more challenging concepts. I also created a schedule, I had a specific day with my tutor to go over everything that I had learned throughout the week, I would study for tests and work on extra practice in order to do better in the course.

Time management is a crucial skill when it comes to studying and practicing math effectively. Plan and prioritize; I created a study schedule that includes dedicated time for math. It identified my priorities and allocated more time to areas that required extra focus or are more challenging for me. I broke down larger tasks, such as completing assignments or studying for exams, into smaller, manageable chunks. Eliminating distractions, I would find a quiet and comfortable study environment, turn off the notifications on my phone in order to avoid unnecessary interruptions. Create a focused space for concentrated math work.

Advice for Future Students

My advice for future students iStay Organized: Keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and study materials. Use a planner or digital tools to stay organized and manage your time effectively. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps helps prevent overwhelm and ensures you stay on top of your math responsibilities. Embrace Mistakes as Learning Opportunities, Mistakes are a crucial part of learning math. Don’t get discouraged when you make errors. Instead, view them as opportunities to identify areas for improvement and learn from them. Analyze your mistakes, understand where you went wrong, and seek to correct and learn from them.

Transforming Parabolas

Parent Function:

My Equation:

Both equations on the same graph:

my parabola is different that the parent equation because in my equation K=-6 which will vertically shift my parabola down to the point of -6, while the parent equation has no vertical shift. in my equation H=-3 which will horizontally shift my parabola to the right until it reaches 3, and in the parent equation the parabola has no horizontal shift. Axis of symmetry for my equation is (3,0). in my equation A=4 which signifies that the parabola will be narrow and open facing up, in the parent equation A=1 which means that the parabola will still open facing up but it will be wider because the ‘A’ number got smaller. ‘A’ determines which way the parabola will open and whether it will be reflecting up or down, it also determines if the parabola will be wide or narrow. ‘H’ determines the axis of symmetry and whether the parabola will horizontally shift to the left or to the right. ‘K’ determines if the parabola will vertically shift up or down.

Self Assessment

Some ways that I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways was writing out the parabola regularly and also using Desmos and putting the equation on a graph.

I used mathematical vocabulary in my explanation about the significance of a, h, and k and how my equation was different compared to the parent equation.

the formatting that I used was clear because I stated whether it was the parent equation or my equation and I added pictures of the parabolas with the corresponding equation.

Facing a Challenge

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because I was trying to add the coefficients of the radicals without factoring the the radicands first. I went over this question with my tutor and I looked at the answer key and tried to work backwards, I was still a little bit confused so as I was working through the question I would go back and forth and look at the notes while I was solving the question. I kept doing this until I got the question correct. In the future when I encounter a difficult concept like this I will do some workbook questions with the notes and some questions without.

Favourite Recipe

Murder Cupcakes

Making and Sharing Reflection

When I chose to make this recipe I knew that it was going to be a challenge; from finding a good cupcake recipe to making the sugar glass, this recipe was definitely put my skills the test. To make the sugar glass I had go out and buy corn syrup. I was really scared to make the sugar glass because it meant that I had to work with boiling sugar and that’s something I had never done before. There was a bump that I ran into after the sugar glass cooled down, the sugar hadn’t set properly!! the outside was all sticky and squishy. I was scared that it was not going to work but, in the end, it came out perfect, a little bit wonky but perfect.

Core Competency Reflection

In this lab I used critical thinking and creative thinking. I used creative thinking when I was looking for recipes and I chose to make sugar glass cupcakes, I knew that no one in the class was going to do anything like it so I wanted to stand out. I used critical thinking when my sugar glass hadn’t sent because I had to find a way to make it set properly, I left it in the fridge until the last moment and made sure not to take it out before, or else the glass would melt.

One goal that I have for myself, is to be more creative. I want to think out of the box with the recipes that I make at school and at home.