The Crucible Essay

Arthur Miller’s play, “The Crucible,” delves into the depths of human nature, exploring the complexity of characters and their motivations. To truly grasp the behavior of the characters in the play, one can refer to Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral precepts for explanation. Kohlberg’s stages of moral development provide valuable insight into understanding the actions and decisions made by the characters in “The Crucible.” Through an examination of Kohlberg’s moral precepts, one can unravel the motivations behind the characters’ behavior, shedding light on the underlying moral dilemmas that drive the narrative. Kohlberg’s first level of moral development, the pre-conventional level, is characterized by obedience and punishment orientation. This level emphasizes the concern for the self in moral decision-making. In “The Crucible,” Reverend Parris represents the pre-conventional level of moral development when he prioritizes his own reputation and status over the well-being of the community. He says, “And I pray you feel the weight of truth upon you, for now my ministry’s at stake, my ministry and perhaps your cousin’s life”. Parris’ preoccupation with his reputation is evident in his words, “my ministry’s at stake.” Here, Parris is primarily concerned about his own standing within the community rather than the truth. His self-serving actions are in line with Kohlberg’s pre-conventional level of moral development, characterized by a focus on self-interest. Similarly, for Abigail Williams it is evident that she behaves in a way to avoid punishment and protect herself. Abigail states, “I want to open myself! I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss his hand”. Abigails statement reflects her attempt to manipulate the situation in her favor. Her false confession makes it clear that rather than facing the consequences of her actions, she seeks to escape punishment by lying and shifting the blame onto others, as she knows this is what the church expects from her. Furthermore, Reverend Hale, in the beginning is driven by the fear of being implicated himself. He acknowledges, “I dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of conscience may doubt it”. Hale’s initial stance demonstrates his concern for his reputation and fear of being implicated in the witch trials. He is more concerned about the consequences of his own moral standing and does not want any doubt to be cast upon his decision to take a life.  

Kohlberg’s second level of moral development, the conventional level, is marked by conformity and group acceptance. John Proctor’s actions exemplify the conventional level of moral development when he decides to tear up his confession, choosing his integrity over his life. He declares, “I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” Proctor’s decision to sacrifice his integrity reflects the conventional level. His willingness to stand up against false accusations, even if it means facing death, highlights his commitment to morality and ethical principles over his own survival. Rebecca Nurse’s character also embodies the conventional level. She states, “Let you fear nothing! Another judgement waits us all!” Rebecca Nurse’s moral integrity is evident in her refusal to make false confessions. Her statement emphasizes her adherence to her principles, even in the face of adversity. Her courage to face death rather than lie demonstrates her commitment to maintaining good relationships with other and to her own values. Similarly, Elizabeth Proctor declares “He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him.” Elizabeth’s decision not to influence John’s decision to confess of not is driven by her moral code. Her willingness to let John make his own decision, even though it may mean his death, reflects her commitment to ethical principles and maintaining good relationships. 

Kohlberg’s third level of moral development, post-conventional level. Post-conventional behaviour is when you have your own individual sense of values and ethics. These values and ethics cannot be influenced by reward, punishment or group acceptance. The first post-conventional character is Giles Corey. Giles Corey’s decision to face death rather than betray his friend represents the post-conventional level. He states, “More weight.” Giles Corey’s act of martyrdom highlights his commitment to the principles of justice and fairness, transcending his own self interests. Next character that has an individual sense of values and beliefs to be discussed is Reverend Hale. His transformation is evident when he starts to question the validity of the trials and tries to save the lives of those falsely accused. He asserts, “I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court.” Hale’s decision to renounce the court proceedings shows his shift of moral development. He recognizes the injustice and cruelty of the trials and chooses to stand up against them, even at great personal risk. This decision is driven by his belief in universal principles of justice and fairness. Finally, John Proctor’s decision to confess falsely is driven by his desire to protect his family. He states, “I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is fraud. I am not that man.” Proctor’s ultimate choice to tear up his false confession and face death demonstrates that he prioritizes truth and justice over his own life. In conclusion, Lawrence Kohlberg’s moral precepts provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the behavior of characters in “The Crucible.” The characters’ actions are deeply influenced by their moral development, which can be attributed to Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning. By examining the characters through the lens of Kohlberg’s moral stages, one can gain a profound insight into the complex ways of morality, ethics, and human behavior in the play.  

Pre-Calculus 11 Core Competency Self-Assessment

Core Competency Reflection

Me and my group worked collaboratively by taking turns explaining math concepts to each other during our group work on the whiteboards. When doing our group work there are times when 1-2 people don’t understand the lesson but by explaining the lesson, we deepen our own understanding while also helping others grasp the material. Explaining the math concepts can also highlight gaps in our knowledge. I communicated well with my group during group work by asking them questions about the math problem if I didn’t understand what the question was asking.

I committed to individual practice by setting clear goals for myself, and creating a schedule. My goals were to make sure that all the assigned workbook questions would be completed before the next days lesson, so that I would later be able to grasp the concept better. This helped me dig deeper into more challenging concepts. I also created a schedule, I had a specific day with my tutor to go over everything that I had learned throughout the week, I would study for tests and work on extra practice in order to do better in the course.

Time management is a crucial skill when it comes to studying and practicing math effectively. Plan and prioritize; I created a study schedule that includes dedicated time for math. It identified my priorities and allocated more time to areas that required extra focus or are more challenging for me. I broke down larger tasks, such as completing assignments or studying for exams, into smaller, manageable chunks. Eliminating distractions, I would find a quiet and comfortable study environment, turn off the notifications on my phone in order to avoid unnecessary interruptions. Create a focused space for concentrated math work.

Advice for Future Students

My advice for future students iStay Organized: Keep track of your assignments, deadlines, and study materials. Use a planner or digital tools to stay organized and manage your time effectively. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps helps prevent overwhelm and ensures you stay on top of your math responsibilities. Embrace Mistakes as Learning Opportunities, Mistakes are a crucial part of learning math. Don’t get discouraged when you make errors. Instead, view them as opportunities to identify areas for improvement and learn from them. Analyze your mistakes, understand where you went wrong, and seek to correct and learn from them.

Transforming Parabolas

Parent Function:

My Equation:

Both equations on the same graph:

my parabola is different that the parent equation because in my equation K=-6 which will vertically shift my parabola down to the point of -6, while the parent equation has no vertical shift. in my equation H=-3 which will horizontally shift my parabola to the right until it reaches 3, and in the parent equation the parabola has no horizontal shift. Axis of symmetry for my equation is (3,0). in my equation A=4 which signifies that the parabola will be narrow and open facing up, in the parent equation A=1 which means that the parabola will still open facing up but it will be wider because the ‘A’ number got smaller. ‘A’ determines which way the parabola will open and whether it will be reflecting up or down, it also determines if the parabola will be wide or narrow. ‘H’ determines the axis of symmetry and whether the parabola will horizontally shift to the left or to the right. ‘K’ determines if the parabola will vertically shift up or down.

Self Assessment

Some ways that I represented the same mathematical idea in multiple ways was writing out the parabola regularly and also using Desmos and putting the equation on a graph.

I used mathematical vocabulary in my explanation about the significance of a, h, and k and how my equation was different compared to the parent equation.

the formatting that I used was clear because I stated whether it was the parent equation or my equation and I added pictures of the parabolas with the corresponding equation.

Facing a Challenge

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because I was trying to add the coefficients of the radicals without factoring the the radicands first. I went over this question with my tutor and I looked at the answer key and tried to work backwards, I was still a little bit confused so as I was working through the question I would go back and forth and look at the notes while I was solving the question. I kept doing this until I got the question correct. In the future when I encounter a difficult concept like this I will do some workbook questions with the notes and some questions without.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

(I don’t have a picture of my road map)

one thing that I learned while doing my Roadmap assignment was how to reflect on my past and how to start thinking and planning about my future, I also bettered my artistic ability by drawing and colouring on my map. Learning to reflect on my past really made me think about what I went through and how I was able to overcome my many different and difficult obstacles that were thrown at me. This assignment also helped my think more about my future and what I will want to do as an adult, it made me think whether or not I was going to continue studying and go to post-secondary or whether to take a gap year and think about what I want to do.

Favourite Recipe

Burrito Bowls


Making and Sharing Reflection

For this lab we had to work collaboratively with our group members; my group only had 2 members during this lab so we separated things a bit differently, hector working on the honey and lime chicken and me working on warming up the spanish rice and making the tortilla chips. During this lab we had to also collaboratively work together by assigning role, and working together on certain aspects of the food making process. We as a group chose who did what by using the “dibs” style of assigning. this worked out because we both got things that we were comfortable doing. I knew that my groupmate and I were really going to like this recipe and the cooking process which ultimately decided how well this lab was going to go.

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can bee seen during the process of cooking the designated recipe, I know that to have a group project be able to work out and not go into shambles is by communicating. I make sure to talk to my partner before we do anything in the kitchen just to make sure that we are on the same page about what we will be doing.

Some things that I think about before dividing up tasks among group members include who has done these tasks previously because if they have, the other group members should also have a chance to try out the different tasks that we have to do in class.

Science Minecraft Reflection

Core Competency-Communication

My group and I had very good communication and we shared many of our ideas with each other, we worked well as a group and made sure that everyone got to have a contributing factor towards the finished project. During the beginning of the project, I had no idea how to use minecraft so that was just a bump in the road to our groups success, I was able to figure it out which really helped me contribute more towards the group. We finished the project and handed it in on time, the only thing that I regret not being able to help with was the voice over, I was unable to help with that part because I had a doctors appointment that was scheduled.

Core Competency-Thinking

during the process of making the project, we made good connections by sharing our thoughts and planning the creation of the project with eachother and taking in everyones ideas, the combined creativity of our group helped create the working wind turbine, which is a great diagram and it shows how the electricity is transferred and transformed throughout the whole city. And by building realistic looking structures we found a good balance. We also added signs that helped with explaining the energy transfers and transformations that happen in the city.

Core Competency-Personal & Social

The personal and social part of this project is almost equally as important as the first two competencies that we used, because it demonstrates how we did as a group and how we will learn to apply the skills that we used during this project towards the real world. The group collaboration was a large aspect of this project that is an extremely useful thing to be good at in real-world situations. Being able to work well in a group setting and be able to have a solid conversation with others are useful skills to have and they are skills that are able to make many aspects of your life easier.

About me

my name is isabel and i am in ninth grade. some of my hobbies are taekwondo, baking, and reading. Taekwondo is a form of martial arts, i have been training for 10 years and i am a first dan black belt. I also like to bake because it is fun, some of my favorite things to bake are brownies and cupcakes. reading is one of my hobbies because even though some people might find it boring i find it as a way to escape reality. because when you are reading your mind takes you to where you might imagine the place looks like.

my favorite website

my favorite website is netflix, (i wasn’t able to add the link)

my favorite website is netflix because i can watch all my favorite movies/ series on there

my favorite image

China's Taekwondo coach slams Zheng Shuyin's 'bizarre' defeat - CGTN

thsi is my favorite image because it kind of shows what i do whenever i train.

my favorite qoute

if you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be. – maya angelou

this quote means alot because you see everyone trying to be what society say is “normal” but if you keep trying to be normal you will never know what your full potencial might be.
