Facing a Challenge

The first time I tried this problem I found it challenging because I was trying to add the coefficients of the radicals without factoring the the radicands first. I went over this question with my tutor and I looked at the answer key and tried to work backwards, I was still a little bit confused so as I was working through the question I would go back and forth and look at the notes while I was solving the question. I kept doing this until I got the question correct. In the future when I encounter a difficult concept like this I will do some workbook questions with the notes and some questions without.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

During this assignment I demonstrated the Thinking CC. When this assignment was given out, I was not present during the class, so I did not have the chance to do it with a partner. This assignment really made me think critically because I had to separate and classify multiple buttons that were very similar, and I didn’t have a partner that would be able to give me insight or to look at it through a different point of view. I started by separating the buttons by the amount off holes that they had, then by colour and then I would get into the specifics, but this really challenged me and had to start thinking in creative ways so that I could find the differences between all the buttons, I also started thinking reflectively because I was trying to find the differences between all the buttons so I would have to look and reflect on a name to give to a button; but for it to not have the same name or have a name be way to similar to a different button. Before I started working on this project, I set a goal about how long it would take me and how many days I would work on it, this goal that I set for myself helped me stay on track and helped me manage my time in a better way. If there is a next time, I would work with a partner and sort out all the little details first.