About Me

My Bio

Hi, my name is Mateo, I am a grade 9 student at centennial secondary. For starters, I love to play all kinds of music but jazz has always been my personal go-to. My favourite subject is science and ever since I’ve done my first lab, my interest for chemistry has grown. I can’t wait for more to come during my time at centennial. Although I am extremely awkward and introverted around people I don’t know, going into high school, I would like to step out of my comfort zone and make new friends.

My Favourite website

I’m sure anyone who’s viewing my blog knows this website. This is YouTube. YouTube is a website where you can post and view videos. What I love about YouTube is that you can view almost any type of video. You can watch videos that are funny, informative, relaxing, inspirational, entertaining, comedy etc. In addition, YouTube will give you a recommended watchlist based on the videos you view frequently.

My Favourite Video

Best Solos Ever!

This is my favourite video because I watched it when I didn’t know whether I liked music or not. Music was, fine at the time but I didn’t think it was fun. Until I watched this video. I remember seeing this and going “Wow, I want to play like that, play on a big stage in front of a huge crowd!” Although I have a long path ahead of me, I have made it a goal to play for others and most importantly, play for fun.

My Favourite image

I chose this funny photo because it’s slang for “no liar” or “no lying.” The joke is that “Cap” is that he is lying. And the big cap references he is lying. So when someone is lying, you reference “no cap.”

My Favourite quote

“While it is best to believe in one’s self, a little help from others, can be a great blessing” -Iroh

This quote is important to me because I tend keep how I’m feeling on the inside to myself. I personally feel that you need reach out to the people closest to you in your time of need.






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