Japanese Internment

Japanese Canadians should only be given the options to an internment camp or get deported back to Japan.

This is nothing personal towards Japanese Canadians, but to the Japanese Military. The problem is that we Canadians

don’t know whether Japanese Canadians are part of the Samurai. I have a sister and mother who are horrified at home,

hearing about the conquering of Hong Kong. The nurses raped and the doctors executed. Canadians alike can’t help

but look out for their families. I fear being attacked in Vancouver, knowing about Pearl Harbour only makes me worry

more. I can’t think of anything else other than protecting my family, and this is the only way I know how. I hope

Japanese Canadians understand where I am coming from. I’m sorry.  

Core Competency

  • I now understand what is important to me and I can explain my values. 
  • I did analyze evidence from the research I did and made judgements. 
  • I now understand that my identity is made up of many interconnected elements of Japanese-Canadian internment. 

Curricular Competency

  • I did assess, understood and explained the significance of the threat of the Japanese army and its treatment of people it conquered, in British Columbia, in my research handout and paragraph.  
  • I made an ethical judgement about the action of internment the Japanese-Canadians in my  
  • paragraph. 
  •    I did assess and explained the changes the Japanese-Canadians went through. In my research handout. 

C.P.R Reflection

My Product

Photo of hands on chest of CPR maniken as person practices chest compressions
Susan. “Wearable Technology Helps Boost Confidence to Do CPR.” Speaking of Safety, 27 Mar. 2019, https://speakingofsafety.ca/wearable-technology-boosts-students-confidence-cpr/.

CPR Reflection

What was something you learned that you didn’t know or consider before?  

I learned that aspirin can help with a heart attack. I may consider keeping some in the house for when it may occur.

What is a key takeaway from the Theory or Practical CPR unit?  

I will keep in mind that an AED substantially increase the chance of survival to eighty-percent. If I ever need to save a life in Cardiac Arrest, I will always look out for an AED or ask someone in the area.

How does this unit connect to the nutrition unit learned previously?

Maintaining a healthy diet will decrease your blood pressure which leaves minimal room for a heart attack. Eating more fruits, whole grains and vegetables will be greatly beneficial.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal.

I can work with others. During the volleyball unit, I was able to show a proficient amount of effort on the court, I am also able to rely on others, and also people can rely on me.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements.

I can analyze evidence to decide my next decision. When we were playing volleyball, I always either aimed at open spots on the court, or to defenders who weren’t as good at receiving as they were attacking.

I can identify my strengths and identify my potential. 

I can identify my strengths when doing anything. Throughout the PHE unit, I learned that I have a good general understanding of sports, I also have good athletic ability. However, I can also identify what I need to work on, like my stamina.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share. 

I can take on roles during group assignments and finish it proficiently. I proved this when I was doing the partner nutrition assignment during our nutrition unit.

Linear and non-linear lines

Linear Equations and Graphs


I know this is a linear function because it is a straight line on the graph with no curves, I can tell from the equation because only the value of x is present in the equation, like y=5 or x=6 which would equal a straight line.

y=1/3x – 2

I can tell this is a linear function because of the straight line with no curves, and these kinds of linear functions are 1:1 functions. I can tell this is a linear equation from the equation y=mx+b.

Non-Linear Equations


I know this is a Non-linear function because the function is curving outwards. I can tell from the equation because it doesn’t use the formula y=mx+b.


I know this is a Non-linear function because the function is in the shape of a circle. I can tell that this is a Non-linear equation because it doesn’t use the formula y=mx+b.


I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I …

I used DESMOS to format the Linear and Non-Linear equations I picked.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I …

I used the given equations and recognized whether they were Linear or Non-Linear functions using DESMOS and formulas I learned.

I justified my conclusions with evidence when I …

I saw the graphed functions, and when I compared equations to the formula y=mx+b.

My Model Town

Creating A Model Factory Town

Name of the town: Dinner Town

Company Name: M.O Industries

Resources available: Wood, Coal, Wheat, Carrots, Beetroots, livestock, Water, Cotton

Elements of the town: Mine, Cotton Mill, Farm, Houses, Blacksmith

Population: 120

Explanation / Brief History: The town was was founded by Marcus Williams in 1895, and named the town after an upside down horse located West of England named “Dinnerbone”. Although the town is small, it has many hard workers. The pay of workers varies from job to job. M.O Industries is steadily growing, having 2 factories in London and Manchester. In addition, our mines are abundant with coal.

Media Fluency Reflection

A. How was the ease of access in building the town, and what software did you use specifically?

It was very easy because I have been playing Minecraft Java Edition since I was nine.

B. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?

Yes, although I ran into a length and roof problem with the mill building, I was able to build my rough drawings into the software.

C. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” town?

I researched images of Cities and factories during the industrial revolution.

D. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Explain.

No, I have the most experience with Minecraft, I find it easy to build and get creative with designs. It brings out my imagination and makes me interact with it in a way no other software can.

How-To Use Commas

We created an infographic about “How-to use commas.” This was designed by Maddix Mikalchuk, Mateo Obach and Sabastian Viesulas.

“What is a conjunction?” Your dictionary, https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/parts-of-speech/conjunctions/what-is-a-conjunction.html Accessed 30 November 2020
Bryne Eugene. “Q&A: When were punctuation marks first used?” History Extra, 1 April 2013 https://www.historyextra.com/period/qa-when-were-punctuation-marks-first-used/ Accessed 30 November 2020
“Comma” Dictionary.comhttps://www.dictionary.com/browse/comma?s=t Accessed 30 November 2020
“When To Use A Comma: Rules And Examples” Dictionary.comhttps://www.dictionary.com/e/how-do-you-use-a-comma/ Accessed 30 November 2020

About Me

My Bio

Hi, my name is Mateo, I am a grade 9 student at centennial secondary. For starters, I love to play all kinds of music but jazz has always been my personal go-to. My favourite subject is science and ever since I’ve done my first lab, my interest for chemistry has grown. I can’t wait for more to come during my time at centennial. Although I am extremely awkward and introverted around people I don’t know, going into high school, I would like to step out of my comfort zone and make new friends.

My Favourite website

I’m sure anyone who’s viewing my blog knows this website. This is YouTube. YouTube is a website where you can post and view videos. What I love about YouTube is that you can view almost any type of video. You can watch videos that are funny, informative, relaxing, inspirational, entertaining, comedy etc. In addition, YouTube will give you a recommended watchlist based on the videos you view frequently.

My Favourite Video

Best Solos Ever!

This is my favourite video because I watched it when I didn’t know whether I liked music or not. Music was, fine at the time but I didn’t think it was fun. Until I watched this video. I remember seeing this and going “Wow, I want to play like that, play on a big stage in front of a huge crowd!” Although I have a long path ahead of me, I have made it a goal to play for others and most importantly, play for fun.

My Favourite image

I chose this funny photo because it’s slang for “no liar” or “no lying.” The joke is that “Cap” is that he is lying. And the big cap references he is lying. So when someone is lying, you reference “no cap.”

My Favourite quote

“While it is best to believe in one’s self, a little help from others, can be a great blessing” -Iroh

This quote is important to me because I tend keep how I’m feeling on the inside to myself. I personally feel that you need reach out to the people closest to you in your time of need.



