About Me

My Bio

Hi my Name is Pahlika I am 14 years old, and I am a grade 9 at Centennial Secondary. To be honest there isn’t that much interesting about me I am quite a boring person thats only sometimes. Some things that describe me would be kind, caring, helpful, energetic, and respectful. Something interesting about me would be that I like sports. I am a swimmer, and wrestler I am not great at wrestling but I am improving. What I would like to get better at this year would be not procrastinating. I always tell myself that I won’t procrastinate, but then I still leave it till last minute. How I like to express my self would be talking and having a conversation with someone. My best course would be math but it does get harder every year. I am very excited for my business course, and hope I learn some basic things. If you get to know me very well I talk all the time, and I am very friendly. I like to talk, and make friends, but I am shy at first which isn’t helpful. Something I can’t live without would be music I can’t do anything without it. I listen to music while doing my homework, sports, baking, and much more. I also love to travel around the world learning about the culture, and just exploring. That would really be it about me if you have read till the end thank you.

My Favourite Website


I think my favourite website would be YouTube because it keeps you entertained, and helps you for school projects. if you don’t understand your homework all you have to do is search it up and it gives great examples. To keep you entertained you can listen to music or just watch videos, that would generally be it.

My Favourite Video


This is my Favourite video because since I was a child I have always wanted to achieve something in swimming. Katie Ledecky is an Olympic Gold Medallist and she has been one of my inspirations in life. She is always improving and is someone I would like to become when I grow up.

My Favourite Image

This would be my favourite image because I love to travel and beaches are my favourite. It’s an amazing feeling when you go to the Beach and theirs a beautiful sunset. It is almost like living in a dream it is so calming and relaxing. Thats why when I travel my favourite part is when we go to the beach.

My Favourite Quote

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”

Dr. Seuss

This quote is important to me because I want to cherish every moment I have and even the small things in life. Sometimes when we are in the moment we don’t value it as much and treasure it. Then when it becomes a memory we regret how much more special it was in our life. That’s why I always want to live in the moment and not waste a single second.







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