Core Competency Self-Reflection: Calculus 12

This was a problem my group and I solved on the board for the unit Application of Derivatives. We have worked well together over the semester so far because we contribute equally and have roles in our group. One person is in charge of looking up the questions and the notes to help us out, the other person writes out the question and is in charge of the marker, and the last person helps solve the problem and directs the person with the marker. We change these roles every day, so everyone gets a chance to do everything. We are always encouraging each other and contributing so that board work goes smoothly. For this specific question, one person was looking up formulas, notes, and examples to help out. I was in charge of the markers and writing out the information that we discussed in a group. The last person helps put things together and contributes to solving the question. This question was from the related rates chapter, it was “Two cars start moving from the same point.  One travels south at 60 km/h and the other travels west at 25 km/h.  At what rate is the distance between the two cars increasing two hours later?” First, we decided to draw the question and multiply 60 and 25 by 2 since it was the distance in 2 hours. Then the person with the phone in the group gave us the formula which was Pythagoras theorems. We then used that formula to find the Z which was the other side of the triangle. Eventually, we derived the original formula and started to plug in the numbers that we had. In the formula x was the number multiplied by 2 and dx/dt was the original number which is 25 then we did the same for the rest of the variables. After we had one part of the equation that didn’t have a number which was dz/dt which we had to solve for. Then with some algebra, we solved the question and got 65 km/h. During this question, we were helping each other when we hit a struggling point, for example figuring out the number of the variable and the rate of change. At the end of our collaboration, we figured out the correct answer.  


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