Core Competency Goals

If there is disagreement within the group, I find it helpful to

When there are disagreements in a group what I found that works would be letting everyone share their ideas and try to satisfy everyone’s opinion. However, a goal of mine would be trying not to disagree with our group mates and letting everyone take turns speaking. I plan on taking a more leadership role and doing something before a disagreement occurs. 

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in… 

I believe I communicate clearly and purposefully in my math class because I tend to have more questions concerning the homework. I ask the people around me and communicate with them and problem solving. However, I do ask the teacher for help when I need it and communicate with them when I don’t understand. Although I am not that great at communicating in my other classes and I think that’s one of my goals to purposefully communicate in those classes. When I have questions to ask them frequently and get help when I need it. 

I can contribute to and work with criteria to improve my own work; evidence of that is

I believe I can work with the criteria and following instructions for an assignment and if done in a group I will do my part for it. Evidence for that is my law class for my about me project where we needed to add everything on the criteria exactly. However, my goal is to do more than what the criteria says and go beyond. I hope I can not only do what is told and do extra for my assignments. 


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