Core Competency Self-Reflection : Pre-Calc 12

This semester when we started group work, I would say we all got along right away since we knew each other and didn’t have any big issues with communicating. I think we were all comfortable sharing our ideas and taking turns from the beginning, which was really nice. We would give each other roles sometimes, for example, who would do the writing, who had the questions up, and who was going to type in the question on demos or get the notes. Our group overall was quite organized and productive, so it was easy to get things done. However, we did struggle with the problems even after using our notes and talking it out. One of the problems we had some trouble with was in unit 6 chapter 5 World Problems. This question was a bit tricky because of the way it was worded maybe but we didn’t understand how to start. In our group, one thing that we were quite confused about was when the questions said “varies sinusoidally with time”. We all didn’t know what that meant and had trouble so we checked our notes and previous questions and couldn’t figure it out. After we searched it up and talked it out, it made sense and then we went on our way to start the question. We worked as a group, got our notes out and tried to problem solve by drawing the diagram of a spring. We then figured out from the diagram and our notes the midline, the amplitude then started to put all the pieces together for the question. We then figured out that the question had a phase shift from the question then created our equation for it. Lastly, we figured it was a cosine graph and started to graph our equation. We worked collectively and helped each other by putting our ideas together. Our group is really good at communicating with each other by sharing ideas, problem solving, and helping each other out when someone doesn’t understand. We always make sure that everyone understands the question before moving on to the next one. If there is something our group needs to maybe work on is after trying a couple of times asking for help from a teacher or asking another group. 


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