Leadership Core Competency Reflection

 A leadership quality I possess is being an active listener, I can listen to feedback and ideas that are presented in a group. I can also listen to negative and positive responses from team members to improve going forward. During our meetings as a group, I listen to everybody’s ideas and thoughts that they contributed and make sure they know that I am actively listening to the conversation. When we were talking about how we should organize our interactive survey many ideas were put on the table, and I was an active listener. This is an important quality for being a good leader and team member because you need to hear others’ opinions and ideas to grow in the future.    

A leadership skill I possess is being able to communicate in our group and in general, I can communicate ideas and give my opinion during appropriate times. When in a group setting, I try my best to communicate and have a say in the conversation and can get my ideas through clearly. While talking about ideas for our Christmas event in December I was able to communicate my ideas to the entire group. I can communicate with team members and others about problems that need to be solved and ideas that should be considered. 

A quality of mine that I would like to develop by the end of the course would be creativity. In general, I am not a very creative person when it comes to coming up with creative ideas or solutions. I struggle to think out of the box sometimes and come up with innovative solutions. Sometimes when we brainstrom for new creative ideas for our next event I am a bit slower to think of one compared to the rest of the group. I prefer thinking more critically and that doesn’t always help in certain situations.   

A skill that I would like to develop by the end of the course would be decision making. This is something I also struggle with when it comes to deciding between things and considering the impacts that would have long and short term. I am also not fast at making a decision, which is a problem because in some situations making quick and accurate decisions is important. I would also have to consider the effect that decision would have on the team and club.  

I am able to work with others to achieve a goal, I can work with other teammates to generate ideas, and solutions to reach our endpoint. I am able to communicate and listen to them so that we can both be on the same page to get the job done. I will always be willing to cooperate and work collectively so that everybody gets a share and a chance to speak. 


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