Arts and Crafts 12

Communication: In familiar settings, I can communicate with peers and adults. I listen and listen to people I know.

In arts and crafts, I can communicate with peers and adults to ask for help, ideas, and directions to lead me correctly. Throughout this course, I have struggled with many projects. However, with the help of my peers and the teacher, I could communicate my problem and come to a resolution. For this specific project we had to create a wallet from scratch using scrap fabric. While working on the wallet I struggled to use the sewing machine because my bobbin kept getting stuck but my peers around me assisted and we were able to solve the problem. After sewing it together we had to attach a button for the wallet to close and after many attempts, I couldn’t get the button to work. This was when I asked the teacher for assistance and communicated my problem. While doing these projects I have learned to communicate not only my problems but ask my peers and the teacher for advice on how I should design my project and what tools I should use.