Vertical and Horizontal Lines


The slope for a vertical line is rise/run=0 that equals rise/0 this line is an undefined line because when a number is divide by 0 it is undefined. This means that a vertical line will be the x intercept because the slope is undefined. The slope for a horizontal line is rise=0/run that is 0/run this line is a zero slope because when a number is divided by 0 it equals 0. The horizontal line then will then be the y intercept because the slope is 0.

A horizontal line with a zero slope

A vertical line with a undefined slope


The equation of a vertical line is X=__ when the line goes through a point for example (2,5) the equation would be X=2 because the slope for a vertical line is undefined. The equation of a horizontal line is Y=__ when the line goes through a point for example (4,7) the equation would be Y=7 because the slope is a zero slope.

Function not a Function

A horizontal and vertical line can be a function if they pass the horizontal and vertical line test. You use the vertical line test to determine if the line is a function by putting a vertical line through the whole graph and if two points of the line touch the vertical line it isn’t a function. The horizontal test is to determine if the line is a one to one function. A vertical line though isn’t a function because when you do the vertical line test on it the line touches more than once on the line. A horizontal line is a function because when you put it through the vertical test it doesn’t touch the line twice it is not a one to one function because it doesn’t pass the horizontal test.

Domain and Range

The domain and range for a vertical and horizontal line. A vertical line would be domain with the value of X=__ the blank would be the x intercept on the axis. The equation for a vertical line won’t have two numbers it will only have one number where the x intercepts. The Y would be all real numbers because it is a continuous line that goes on forever. For example X=3 the line will go through 3 on the x axis the y would be all real numbers.

A horizontal line is Y so it would be range with a value of Y=__ the blank will be the y intercept this time on the Y axis. the horizontal line will have one value that goes through continuously forever and the domain would be all real numbers for example Y=3.

Our Utopian City: Pahlily City

Made by: Pahlika and Lily



In every community every person wants a healthy life, and good health care. It’s a main part of every city that there are good facilities and places that help you maintain a healthy life. Without proper health care everybody would be in bad state because we depend on good health to do our daily tasks. For this reason, Pahlily City has built a great hospital with outstanding medical care to insure everybody is safe. We also have a park and trees everywhere to maintain a healthy environment with clean oxygen to keep you all right. 


every city should be filled with happiness and the inhabitants should always feel comfortable. Nobody should feel lonely or in a position where they are bored and have nothing to do. That’s why in Pahlily City we make sure that everybody is having fun and living an exciting and content life as they should. We ensure that there are many activities to do indoor and outdoor like our movie theater, waterpark, and community park. 

Desire to improve 

Desire to improve is value in our city that stands out from others. We want our city to keep growing and helping our community improve. We want to create new things and discover beyond out capabilities. This would give our city and advantage in growing and will allow people to be more creative. It can open new opportunities for people around and help us move towards a better future. In Pahlily City we created a laboratory so these activities can be done in a safe place. 


Security is an important part of every city to make sure that the community is safe. People should be allowed to go around and not worry about their welfare being threatened. We want everyone in our city to feel comfortable in their environment. In Pahlily City every person is safe, and the community is protected with our local police station nearby. 


 An accepting community is always our first priority. We make sure that everybody feels welcome and safe. People should always feel comfortable where they live and be accepted and loved for who they are. In Pahlily City everybody has the freedom to be who they are and express themselves without judged.  Everyone can express their opinions freely and their priorities will be valued. We have a community park where everybody can gather and come together to express how they feel. We think that it’s very important to be accepting and open minded so especially in honor of pride month we have pride flags on display as you enter the city. 

Symbolic colors: red and blue for the police station that represents security and trust, a red cross for the hospital that represents health and trust, and green for calmness and nature. 

Pahlily City during the day
Pahlily City at night
Entrance to our City
Inside our apartment
Local Police Station
The Hospital
Our park and playground
Community forest
Our waterpark
Our grocery store
Clothing store
Movie theatre
Our science laboratory

Communication Reflection

This project was about building our Utopian City with the values that we came up with in our a group. We used the values and created a city that represents what those values mean to us. To create our city we used the program Minecraft. While building we used symbolic colours that represented the building and labels to indicate what was going on in our design. In our group we communicated well and shared our ideas to have more to work with. We kept thinking of creative ways to represent our city and combined our ideas in the process of making the design. We worked efficient together and used our time wisely organizing what we wanted to get done for that day. We had a plan of what we had to accomplish in our class time and when we where at home. When we were making decisions we took both of our opinions into consideration and decided which would work best. In that process we didn’t really face any problems we worked effectively and smoothly together. I was satisfied with our city at the end we added many details in our design and created meaningful values.

My Model Town

Creating A Model Factory Town

Name of the town: Hillwood Town

Company Name: Hillwood Coal Mining

Resources available: Coal, water, crops, and shelter

Elements of the town: Big mining tunnels, coal, and factories,

Population: 563 people

Explanation / Brief History: 60 years ago a man named John Hillwood was looking for a large piece of land so he could start a business and stubbled upon a perfect place. The land was large and it was right beside a huge river he knew that’s were he would settle. Long before John wanted to start a business he was helping his father with their coal factory that they owned. Suddenly one morning his father passed away and John and his mother couldn’t pay all the debts so they had to sell their business. Then John made enough money to start his fathers business again and knew what he had to do. John built huge factories and partnered with many rich men. The town was getting popular and many people came to get a job at the coal mine. This was an amazing achievement for John and he knew his father would be proud so he decided to name the town Hillwood.

Media Fluency Reflection

  1. How was the ease of access in building the town, despite this being a very super basic software? I thought it was really easy to build a town the instructions weren’t hard and it wasn’t very difficult to figure it out you just have to play with it. I was able to figure out how to add building and change backgrounds.
  2. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment? Yes I was able to apply the skills we learned to my digital environment. I had to make some changes at first but I was able to use things we learned and complete it.
  3. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” town? I mainly took things we learned in class about the factory towns and how they were built. We learned the surrounding and how they lived which gave me an idea of how my town would be.
  4. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Explain. Their are so many sites that could have done a the job better by adding more creativity, and making it unique. I personally liked this software because it was quite simple and easy to learn. This program still had all components and got the job done so I would definitely use it again.

About Me

My Bio

Hi my Name is Pahlika I am 14 years old, and I am a grade 9 at Centennial Secondary. To be honest there isn’t that much interesting about me I am quite a boring person thats only sometimes. Some things that describe me would be kind, caring, helpful, energetic, and respectful. Something interesting about me would be that I like sports. I am a swimmer, and wrestler I am not great at wrestling but I am improving. What I would like to get better at this year would be not procrastinating. I always tell myself that I won’t procrastinate, but then I still leave it till last minute. How I like to express my self would be talking and having a conversation with someone. My best course would be math but it does get harder every year. I am very excited for my business course, and hope I learn some basic things. If you get to know me very well I talk all the time, and I am very friendly. I like to talk, and make friends, but I am shy at first which isn’t helpful. Something I can’t live without would be music I can’t do anything without it. I listen to music while doing my homework, sports, baking, and much more. I also love to travel around the world learning about the culture, and just exploring. That would really be it about me if you have read till the end thank you.

My Favourite Website

I think my favourite website would be YouTube because it keeps you entertained, and helps you for school projects. if you don’t understand your homework all you have to do is search it up and it gives great examples. To keep you entertained you can listen to music or just watch videos, that would generally be it.

My Favourite Video

This is my Favourite video because since I was a child I have always wanted to achieve something in swimming. Katie Ledecky is an Olympic Gold Medallist and she has been one of my inspirations in life. She is always improving and is someone I would like to become when I grow up.

My Favourite Image

This would be my favourite image because I love to travel and beaches are my favourite. It’s an amazing feeling when you go to the Beach and theirs a beautiful sunset. It is almost like living in a dream it is so calming and relaxing. Thats why when I travel my favourite part is when we go to the beach.

My Favourite Quote

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.”

Dr. Seuss

This quote is important to me because I want to cherish every moment I have and even the small things in life. Sometimes when we are in the moment we don’t value it as much and treasure it. Then when it becomes a memory we regret how much more special it was in our life. That’s why I always want to live in the moment and not waste a single second.
