Leadership Core Competency

Qualities of a Good Leader Through this course, a quality that I have possessed is being able to collaborate with others within a workspace. During volunteering, I showcase my ability to communicate with new individuals and adults through volunteering in the community. As I shared my ideas and work progress when cleaning and organizing different […]

Music Monday English Reflection

Compare and Contrast Music This assignment was to compare and contrast two songs called, “Wreck Beach/Totem Park,” The Zolas and “Caribou Ghosts and Untold Stories,” Leanne Simpson. These songs showcase the historical events on Indigenous People and the affects on their community and culture. Demonstrates important events and knowledge through the tone of music. The […]

Chemistry 11 Titration

Titration Lab 20CD The Titration lab consist of communication between my partner and I to complete and problem solve through the procedures. By using our knowledge, skills to transform the process into the steps. Organizing one another’s task on who is getting the equipment or who should do the following step. Examples of where I […]

Comparative Core Competency Reflection

Project Mesopotamia VS Egypt Curricular Competency Our group project was the focus on Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia art and sculptures. By comparing and contrasting the changes and continuities about how different art styles and creations have developed through time. Breaking down different questions to answer that allows to see the difference and similarities in materials, […]

Core Competencies: Spanish Dialogue

In my Spanish 11 course, we were assigned to create a Spanish Dialogue that review elements from Spanish 9 and 10. That connects to Communication Core Competency, as I worked with 2 other individuals in my class and transform our ideas into a script. The criteria had different elements that were needed in the dialogue. […]

English First Peoples 11 Reflection

My Artifact Curricular Competencies Reflection My artifact is a Photo Project that expresses personal connections between myself, text, my surroundings of place conscious learning. Transformed by ideas and information to create and communicate by using original photos that are significant to me. I represented my learning in a PowerPoint Presentation and used Indigenous themes, issues, […]

Ceramics Core Competency

Creative Thinking In 3D-Ceramics, our class was assigned to create two mugs out of clay for our art pieces. The two mugs are personal mugs that are significant to us as individuals. For my art piece, I constructed ombre colored mugs that showcased different aspects of what I like and enjoy. This artifact connects to […]

Social Studies Reflection

Socials Reflection For this assignment, my partner and I were assigned to create a Government Flow Chart.  It demonstrated my skills and abilities of a learner. That shows the different aspects and positions on government topics. A skill this showcased for this project showed communication skills with my partner. Communicating on how to balance the tasks […]