Kitchen Tools/Appliances

I find all of the measuring cups liquid measures very useful/helpful when preparing to bake and cook. I find measuring using measuring cups efficient and fast because you can always use them to measure any amount. there are dry measures, small dry measures, liquid measures, small liquid measures, you can measure dry and small dry measures together for example if you have 75ml of sugar you can do 50ml+25ml. Not only are the measuring cups and liquid measures my favourite…but I have used them every lab.

In conclusion, to bake successfully and cook tasty meals measuring ingredients is very important and my favourite when cooking!!!


Reflection: Saylor Kuefler 

What did you enjoy most about the digital literacy research unit? 

I enjoyed the freedom we were given it, allowed me to use creative and critical thinking and really challenged my abilities.  

What was the most difficult part of the unit for you? 

The bibliography was very difficult for me because I have never done anything like it before, but I find myself using the citing techniques especially checking for reliable sources.  

What could you teach someone else about this unit? 

I would say do your research learn everything you need to know about your project then you will find it much easier to write. 

What was the most important thing that you learned about research? 

That it is easy to be fooled online with false information and you should always use reliable sources such as, Gale.  

Have you any other thoughts or comments? 

I would like to do another one of these I learned a lot and I feel like there is lots of space for improvement!!!!! 

Works cited  

“Bronsther, Jacob. ‘CRIMINAL LAW TORTURE AND RESPECT.” Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Summer 2019, p. 423+. Gale In Context: Canada, Https:// Accessed 12 Dec. 2019.” doi:10.1107/s0108768107031758/bs5044sup1.cif. 

 “Gale, Zona, (26 Aug. 1874–27 Dec. 1939), Author.” Who Was Who, 2007,  

“Kasirer, Nicholas. ‘Honour Bound.” McGill Law Journal, Nov. 2001, p. 237+. Gale In Context: Canada, Https:// Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.” doi:10.1107/s0108768107031758/bs5044sup1.cif. 

“Smith, Molly. ‘Creativity and Crossing Boundaries. (My View).” Liberal Education, Spring 2002, p. 42+. Gale In Context: Canada, Https:// Accessed 13 Dec. 2019.” 

“What Is the Easiest Way to Create MLA Citations?: 8th Edition.” Scribbr,

“‘Basic Data.” Country Report: Nigeria, 1 Dec. 2019, p. NA. Gale In Context: Global Issues, Https:// Accessed 14 Dec. 2019.” 

“‘Government Convenes Electoral Boundaries Commission.” Country Report: Singapore, 5 Sept. 2019, p. NA. Gale In Context: Global Issues, Https:// Accessed 12 Dec. 2019.” 


Our city is centered around Community Service, Teamwork, community, contribution, integrity, and commitment. These values have a huge part in the way the city is run!! Sashlyn includes a hospital, recreational center, office/work buildings, high rise homes, and a community park placed in the middle of our city where people get together as a community during special events and holidays!


Friday November 16th 2019  

a.     Was the plan followed? Was the LMS you used effective for your planning?  

Our plan was followed for the most part although I was not there Wednesday, yesterday, and was not there today and it was a little harder to communicate being apart from each other.  

b.     Did members fulfill their roles and responsibilities?   

Yes we all finished our write-ups and pasted them on our word DOC.  

c.     How were decisions made? 

we were all very easygoing with our discussions and disagreements. Communication was key in our group!!! 

d.     How were disagreements handled? 

Communication again was helpful as well as laying out all of our possible ideas and plans and going with what worked best  

e.     How effectively were matters communicated to members of the group?  

Very effectively, we basically chatted and worked on our shared word DOC which was very helpful  

f.     Did you use time efficiently?  

Yes when I was there the first Friday we were assigned the project we got right into it and got our timeline and plan done which then lead us throughout the rest of the project and we were very successful!  

g.     Were project deadlines and individual performance expectations met?  

Yes although the design was on my computer and it wasn’t sharing the design from city creator to the word DOC so instead I screenshotted my laptop and uploaded that to our shared word DOC!!  

h.     How could you improve on this process for next time?  

We could have focused on the design before the plan and timeline because we knew I was going to be absent for the rest of the week. Other than that we had good work effort and group collaboration.