Conics Project: Desmos Self-Portrait

We ended Pre-Calculus 12 with a Conics Project. Our comprehension of everything we learned from the beginning of the course to the end was the focus of this assignment. I used a lot of graphing equations in this assignment, such as the quadratic function, cubic, radical, and others. Additionally, I utilized the three functions required for this assignment. I began by uploading a picture of myself and attempting to graph it by using the functions I was familiar with. The first obstacle for me was graphing my face; I wanted to try my best to graph my exact photo. Therefore, for my face, I was not able to just use two functions; I had to use many different functions and attach them together. My strategy for graphing the shape of my face was mostly using quadratic and radical functions. It made it much easier for me, but giving the restrictions would be a little difficult since I wanted everything to be connected directly.

Circle function “” did not just used for the eyes, indeed was also used to face shape, and mostly the hair. I used the circle function for my hair and a portion of my brows. For my hair, I decided to challenge myself by shading it. It was difficult to shade because there was also a bun. Since it was difficult to put the restriction and the restriction or shading would occasionally fail, I asked for assistance from my friends. As a result, I believe I did a good job shading it.

I decided to extend my project by graphing a frame after drawing my face. The first thing I did was graph the circles around my face. I used three circles, each with a distinct colour that is close to the others. I decided that it would look better if the colours were in similar shades. However, it was a little challenging to locate the close-by colours that would complement the face of my graph. At the end, I decided to add my name to the graph as well. I used three ellipses’ graphs around my name and then graphed my name inside of them. I used all of the compressions I had learned since the first day of school to create this graph, which was a very enjoyable project for me. 🙂