Desert Island Project

Desert Island Artifact

An image containing the first page to our project.

About the Project

We as a class were tasked with creating a legal system in partners or alone. This legal system would accommodate our class being stranded on an island. The goal is to create laws, and a governing body which is fair, ethical, and keeps everyone alive.

Core Competency Reflection

I can form new ideas to create new things. I can also build on the ideas of others. This project was a great example of this as it was a group project. I included many of my own ideas, but I also, while working with him, added and built onto his ideas, making the project contain an even amount of both of our ideas.

I can deliberately learn about things that interest me, and new ideas pop into my head. I am heavily interested in law. This is evident in the effort that was put into this assignment. I not only completed it to complete it, It was fun for me. I used my knowledge of current law as well as my ethical judgment skills to design a legal system that is fair for all, keeps crime rates low, and ensures the definite survival of the island.

I can recognize different points of view and can disagree respectfully. I did this quite a bit during this project. I wanted a harsher government and laws whereas my partner wanted a lighter form of government. I was able to acknowledge his views, I was able to politely agree with some of his ideas, as he was able to do the same with mine. We combined our political views allowing us both to be satisfied with the severity of our created government.

I can analyze evidence to make judgements. To complete this project I analyzed many legal systems. Some from the past, some from the present. I researched what worked and what didn’t. This research shaped my judgments for our project.

Curricular Competency Reflection

Through this project my partner and I were able to create a government highlighting ethical judgments about controversial decisions, legislation, or policy. I chose to add in (with my partners agreement) some harsher highly controversial laws like forced unpaid labour (no currency on the island), and euthanizing people who no longer contribute to the island. I believe although they may seem unethical, these laws will ensure the survival of this island. There are limited resources, and if you are consuming more than you are replacing, the island will quickly die.