Anatomy & Physiology 12 Core Competency Self Assesment

I have used the communication core competency a lot in this course during our many labs or working on assignments and work packages with my desk mates. I showed the communication core competency a lot during the sheep hearts lab where my partner and I worked on identifying different chambers and parts of the heart. We first found the blood vessels leading in and out of the heart chambers, my partner and I took each other’s opinions into account of where we believed each vessel was. We obviously communicated very well because we were able to label all the vessels correctly in the first try. In the next section of the lab we labeled parts of the heart, we consulted the heart diagram in the superlab and in the lab handbook, and communicated our findings from those resources. My partner also watched a heart dissection video to prepare for the lab and she shared what she had learned from it with me. My partner and I proved our communication skills greatly in this lab because we were the first pair to complete the labeling. We also communicated our knowledge with Ms Chew by having her check that we had labelled the heart correctly.

The sheep’s heart with the aortic semi-lunar valve labelled. My partner and I weren’t able to label it on the first try but after I consulted a diagram, I communicated my findings with my partner and we correctly located it.

Chemistry 12 Core Competency Self- Assessment

In Lab 19C “Determining of a Solubility Product Constant” I showed uses of the communication core competency. During the lab I was able to communicate well with my lab partner to complete the lab and to work on the calculations and recording of our data. We both divided up the work equally, with both of us doing tasks in shifts or working on separate tasks so that we could complete the lab efficiently and accurately. Our roles included one person creating the chemical reaction in the beaker, and one person writing down observations which we would alternate doing. We also often had one person cleaning our equipment while the other set up for another trial. We shared our ideas with one another throughout the lab like our observations on the colour and precipitate produced in the test tubes, and on ways to complete the post lab calculations. In the second part of the lab, we had to heat up the beakers seen above to see what temperature the precipitate would dissolve at. We worked together to accurately observe when the precipitate was completely dissolved, often times it was hard so see when this happened so we discussed what we personally saw and if the solution needed to be heated for longer. We had some obstacles in this part with it taking a long time for certain precipitates to dissolve so we split up our roles again with one person observing the reaction and another cleaning and putting away equipment we weren’t using anymore. When the lab was finished we discussed our answers to the post lab questions to see if we had similar results and that we did our calculations correctly. Over all, I believe that me and my partner showed great communication and collaborating skills through assigning roles and responsibilities, sharing ideas and using strategies to navigate project goals.