My Digital Footprint

After googling my name, I was happy to see that none of my information or pictures were online. I found many people with similar names who had shared their information publicly. There is an actor, pickleball player and murder victim all with the same name as mine. With a simple search, my social media accounts cannot be found. As well, videos or pictures of my hobbies such as dance are not available to the public.

To others, I believe my digital footprint would come off as surprising. Many teenagers post pictures and information publicly online that can be found easily by others. I think it is important to have a clean digital footprint so future employers cannot find information or videos that may be inappropriate or embarrassing. My digital footprint shows the “5 c” that is control of identity. My identity is private and not shown online and nobody is posting images or videos that are inappropriate under my name.

My existing digital footprint will not affect my future opportunities. If schools or future jobs cannot find any information online they will learn all about me from interviews. I can make a good impression as they will be learning information from me and not online. My footprint will not affect my family and friends as they are not associated with a person that has an unflattering background on the internet.