Arts and Crafts 12

I can use my imagination to get new ideas of my own, or build on others’ ideas, or combine other people’s ideas in new ways.

In the book binding assignment I used my creative thinking to come up with a notebook that contains aspects that the original outline did not contain. I thought outside the box to plan an artifact that was based off the assignment structure. By using the original idea to construct a notebook with lined pages by printing out double sides horizontal lines and cutting them in half in place of folding the pages. I then punched holes evenly spaced out to make a spiral spine using wire from the craft cabinet. I followed the book binding instructions to attach my fabric to the particle board and added more holes. I then used embroidery skills to add some roses and my name. This demonstrates my ability to elaborate on the original template and build on the ideas to express my own form of art, designing something more personal to me.


Kohlberg’s moral precepts provide a useful framework for understanding the characters in The Crucible, delving deep into the motive behind the actions of various characters. Through examining different moral stages—pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional behavior —we can gain insight into the behavior displayed in the play.

In The Crucible, many characters show pre-conventional behavior, meaning they act to avoid punishment to receive a reward. For instance, the first character to express pre conventional behaviour is Tituba, when she confesses to witchcraft even though she’s innocent because Reverend Parris threatens to, “take [Tituba] out and whip [her] to [her] death.” This scene illiterates how Tituba avoids being whipped by deciding it’s better to go to jail than to die. In addition, John Proctor also demonstrates behaving in a way to avoid punishment. In act four he is unable to sign his name on the document to confess. Though he has already admitted to the crime he states, “I have given you my soul, leave me my name.” Showing how he had given his soul from acting against religion and by keeping his name he avoids more punishment from God. The final character to be discussed is Abigail Williams, she has manipulated events and has accused innocent people of witchcraft. Reverend Parris notices her absences “think [Abigail] be aboard a ship.” She secretly leaves Salem by boast because if she stays in Salem she risks being exposed and facing severe punishment for her lies. In the Crucible, these characters are frequently used as representations of pre conventional behaviour.

Numerous characters in The Crucible display conventional behavior, acting in ways to gain approval from a group. Mary Warren stands out as one of the first characters acts this way. In an attempt to blend in with the group of girls, she falsely declares that she sees “spirits, spirits” in the courtroom. She is described as quiet in the play; Mary finds it challenging to confront Abigail and the other girls because of these traits but tries to go along to be accepted. The next character to discuss is Anne Putnam she behaves in a way that illustrates she wants to be part of a group. She shares “[her] babies always shriveled in her hands,” reflecting beliefs and fears of the Salem community. Anne Putnam is portrayed as a woman deeply affected by the loss of many of her children at a young age. Her belief that her babies died due to supernatural causes rather than natural ones, where in Salam witchcraft is seen as a credible explanation for unfortunate events. The final example of a conventional character is Betty. By accusing George Jacobs, “[Betty] saw George Jacobs with the devil” pairing her willingness to accuse someone of witchcraft based on her supposed vision of him with the devil reflects on the conventional thinking of the people in Salem. The community is quick to accept an act upon accusations of witchcraft without evidence. One can see from the examples provided the Crucible has many characters that show a desired fit in.

The Crucible contains plenty of post conventional characters. When someone acts in a way that consists with their own values their said to be post conventional. This is done regardless of the consequences, benefits, or approval of the group. The first instance of a character displaying this behavior is John Proctor “[he has] known her.” Proctor’s willingness to speak up about his connection with Abigail publicly despite the possible consequences, shows that he values honesty and integrity more than just following societal standards. Elizabeth is another post conventional character. Elizabeth “won’t sit so close to something as solid as Abigail Williams.” Her statement suggests that she prioritizes truth, she demonstrates that she doesn’t care about how groups will perceive her and the punishments of others knowing about their conflict. The last post-conventional character is Reverend Parris “I fear there will be riot here” Throughout the play, Parris has been primarily focused on protecting his reputation, maintaining control over Salem. He acknowledges the potential consequences of the witch trials and the growing discontent among the citizens. These three characters perfectly reflect post-conventional behavior due to their personal moral standards and refusal to punishment, reward, or group acceptance. 

In this essay, we looked at Kohlberg’s ideas about morals to understand the characters in The Crucible better. The essay shows why the characters acted strangely. It also talks about different moral stages like pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional and how they relate to each character. Now we can see why the characters did what they did.

Lab 20G

Critical Thinking

For the titration Lab 20G I was able to use my critical thinking skills to analyze the data observed when the substance has gotten to the point of neutralization. I used my prior knowledge of titration labs to set up the lab and figure out how to get a pale pink colour. Using the strategy of half drops it was easier to achieve neutralization, for example when the solution starting taking longer to turn pink is when half drops became necessary. In part three of this procedure, I used my critical thinking to calculate the molar mass of the unknown acid and other follow up questions. I improved in this lab with my ability to throughly answer lab questions and collect my data with proper uncertainty.

A & P 12 Core Competency

Critical thinking

During the fetal pig dissection lab I was able to use my critical thinking skills to analyze the different organs of the fetal pig. By comparing the pigs structure to the diagrams provided and label the parts properly from prior knowledge of my notes. From listening to Ms. Chew’s demonstration I took some strategies she shared to use on my own, for example where to initiate a cut and where to end it. By figuring how much pressure to apply as well helped me improve when I made my next incision for making the cut deep enough. The ability to investigate the pigs organs made me connect our notes to the autonomy of the pig of how it all gets connected from the visual reference and physical touch.


In this lab the procedure was preformed by myself and my classmates Anita and Kate. Since this lab consisted of lab partners, communication was a major fact of how our dissection would turn out. In this sense we used each others knowledge for labeling the necessary parts of the fetal pig, while we had to communicate where the location of the organs would have to be due to the surrounding environment. We also collaborated when it came to making an incision along a certain area, we discussed how far and deep to cut by helping one another from holding the pig in place while someone cut and some else guided them.

Life Sciences

I enjoyed the hands on activities such as labs and the nature walk. I felt these really helped me understand the topic in depth with visual experiences.

I didn’t enjoy timing of this block because I had English and chemistry before it.

Yes, more about animals specifically since I want to be a vet.

I improved on my constancy of finishing and studying for homework and tests.

I recommend maybe more examples for this course so you can see a visual of what’s being described.

I would of tried harder to catch up in the beginning of topics that I missed instead of focusing on what was current because I didn’t know the background information

I plan to study biology and become a veterinarian

First Peoples English 11

My Writing

Core Competency Reflection

Some skills I have developed to make my creative activities better are adding certain details to my picture being emotion description or colours used to demonstrate the book/ history.

This is how I select images and words to create impact for different audiences by choosing simple drawings and format that can be followed by most people. I left out words in the Comice where the pictures fill in.

I am so curious about the history behind this books making that I am excited to learn more about how I could’ve added more detail or understanding to this comic strip to make it even better.

Graphing a parabola

The variable A affects if the parabola is upward or downward, if the number is positive or negative. In this case A is positive so it is upward and is a fraction which causes the parabola to be wider. K value is equal to Y for the vertex, with X being H value but the opposite sign. Since H is +1, X is -1 in the vertex. The vertex coordinates are (-1, -4). The original equation y=x^2 is compared next to the given vertex form parabola in the graph below. The difference is very noticeable with the picture and one of the biggest differences is the line of symmetry which in the form y=x^2 is X=0 and the minimum value is 0. In my given form y=1/2 (x+1)^2-4 the line of symmetry is -1 and the minimum value is -4. Though there are some similarities as they are all real numbers and in both equations A is positive.

I represented the same mathematical idea in a graph, equation and words.

To demonstrate my understanding of chapter 3 on graphing parabolas I used the vocabulary: vertex, parabola, minimum value, all real numbers, graph, coordinate, equation and line of symmetry.

I used demos graphing calculator for my formatting to show information of my individual equation and a comparison between both.

Chapter 6 Test and/or Chapter 6 Dialogue 

I used critical and creative thinking while studying and writing this test. I made a quizlet to study the vocabulary on the purple sheet but I think I could have focused more on conjugating the stem changing verbs as thats where I lost most of my marks. I think I did a good job on catching up considering I was at a lower mark before. For future tests I think I will spread out my studying so its not as stressful as studying just days before the test.

FMPC 10 – Core Competency Self Assessment

In foundations and pre calculus 10 we did a unit on slopes. In this chapter there were a lot of individual work which made me have to use critical thinking during class time and homework on my own time. When I found a question difficult there were steps to go through and double check over where I went wrong, as difficult as it could be I usually could conquer the question in the end. This unit had many assignments including demos website online where I would collaborate with my friend to finish the task. We worked together throughout most of the year during class to understand different concepts along the way and I found this really helped me develop skills in math that I wouldn’t have done without communication.

Personal Health & Awareness

To celebrate an accomplishment such as a touch down I griddy. Some of my preferred strategies for maintaining a healthy, balanced lifestyle include taking my dog on long walks, playing games with her outside and eating healthy when possible. I enjoy playing lacrosse as well because it helps me get my mind off things and stay active.

I work with others to achieve a goal when we huddled before a play and strategized our next move. We all communicated our thoughts and succeeded when we used the play.

I take on roles and responsibilities in a group; I do my share by participating in all PE activities.

I encourage others to share their voices and value diverse perspectives when playing a sport I let everyone have a chance and listen to others ideas.