Core Competency Self-Assessment

Social Awareness & Responsibility in CLE 10

I can find it easy to be part of a group. Be kind to others, and support others when they need it. In this resume my leadership portion explains my contributions to our community and the people in it, by helping others in need of extra help. In each activity written there were multiple challenges I had to deal with from children not wanting to participate or any type or defiant, I had to use my social responsibility to build a strong relationship they could feel safe around.

From working experience I have overcome a lot of fright about talking in front of others as it became easier over time. As an employee in a group I’m able to make every individual feel included and heard.

FMPC 10 Core Competency Self-Assessment

The activities we’ve done on desmos simulates my imagination because it helps me see an equation on a graph and vision what I think it would look like before its generated. When the equation doesn’t make sense to me whither its a certain type of linear equation after typing it in, the website helps me understand and I can identify why it turns out that way. An example of something I’ve spent a lot of time learning about is function notation and how to graph them after solving for x.

Linear and Non-Linear Equations

Linear Equations

2x-3y=12 This is a linear equation because on the graph it is a one to one function and in the equation you can see it falls under the “Ax+By=C” category.
x=4 This is a linear equation because on the graph the line goes straight up and down and the equation shows there’s no other number conflicting with x.

Non-Linear Equations

This is not a linear equation because on the graph the end lines connect and in the equation two squared is the formula for a circle.
y=(x+1)(x-1) This is a non linear equation because the graph doesn’t pass the horizontal test and the equation uses brackets.

Self Assessment

I explored mathematical ideas using technology when I typed in my equation to the demos website and had a visual representation of it in the form of a graph.

I analyzed data and used criteria to draw conclusions when I saw how the graph formulated the equation showing whether or not it was suitable for this assignment.

I justified my conclusion with evidence when I used my knowledge to examine the graph and wrote supporting details.


  1. What were your books? Did you enjoy / hate / not care (for) them?

We all read the same book “Whirligig,” and we all had similar feelings towards the book. Since we all had the same interest, we decided to spice up the podcast to make it seem that one hated it, one really enjoyed it, and one wanted to get it over with.

2. How did you feel about working with a group? Did you make the work equal? Was it more trouble than a benefit?

I think working with a group made the job a lot more fun and felt like less work than if you were to do the whole thing by yourself.

3. What was your takeaway from the project?

I learned it’s harder to think on the spot than it seems so we probably should have finished more of our script sooner to make the podcast longer and fill up more time than it ended up being.

4. How was the use of technology in this project? Who did what when it came to the tech elements?

 We ended up writing the script on a shared document and recording on my laptop while using the other ones for research purposes. We sent the videos that we liked best to my email so I could put the recordings together on iMovie.


Edward Scissorhands Storyboard

My Refection

I chose to do my comic on the scene where Edward gets jealous. The purpose of the scene was to have the happy town start to crack into what it really is. I think this is a very important part to the movie because it happens in the climax when the town starts to turn against Edward. You usually see Edward as a nice guy but just not very good at showing his emotions. So, this scene really stood out to me not only because of Edwards’s reaction but the film techniques. For example, in my interpretation, I added the scene where it dollies Edward down the hallway and does a pan to him standing in front of the mirror. I did so because it was personally my favorite effect throughout the whole movie. I think they done this for the cinematic element too draw your attention to what is going to happen next. This adaptation from film to visual novel taught me that there’s a lot of time and effort put into each scene, little things you don’t notice the first time unless you’re thinking about it.

My American Revolution Flipbook

Media Fluency Reflection

Using the software reflection (Media Fluency)

A. How was the ease of access in building your flipbook, despite this being the free and limited version of the software?

I think it was pretty easy to use.

B. Were you able to apply the skills you learned in the planning stages appropriately to a digital environment?


C. What were the sources you researched that made this an “authentic make-believe” American Revolution flipbook?

HISTORY Canada | History – Videos, TV Schedule & Watch Full Episodes

American Revolution Figures – Famous Historical Leaders – Biography

D. Is there other software online that could have done the job better? Did you use another software instead? Explain.

I didn’t use another software but if I did I probably would’ve used power point and did the cards on different slides.

My Food Experience

My most memorable food experience was the Mac And Cheese Off . I was in unit black and we wanted to do something creative. So we thought of adding curry and it really payed off. We added peppers, onions and broccoli to the mix to make it more colorful and bring it together with another food group. We were a little scared of how it would turn out but it ended up looking great and tasting delicious. And our top tear name to pull it all off was “Scurry For Your Mac and Curry!” And guess who ended up winning, drum roll please… you guessed it black group!! As we should ’cause it was bomb.

About Me

My name is Sydney, I’m a lacrosse player. I’ve been playing for 7 years, but lacrosse is not the only thing I enjoy doing. I love music! Almost all genres, I have 16 playlists with over 300 songs on most of them. My friends and family also mean a lot to me. I also really like animals. I have a dog, a bird, fish and I’m getting a puppy soon!

I just stared high school so I don’t know what the courses are gonna be like. Usually my favorite is English because I like writing, it comes easier to me than other subjects. The last few weeks of summer I had my older friend tooter me in math because its not one of my strengths. I try my best to stay on task because I learn best when I’m focused.


This is my favorite website because its a way I can contact my friends when we’re not together and most people I know have it.


Theme Song

The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air is my favorite show. I barley watch tv and I’ve already re-watched it!


my puppy

This is my favorite picture at the moment because It’s of me and my puppy. I’m really excited for her to come home!


“Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.”

-Catriona Crombie

This is my favorite quote because to me it means “live your life to the fullest.” Everyday you get older, you wont get today back so enjoy as much as you can.