CPR Reflection

My Artifact:

CPR Reflection

I learned that if the body loses a flow of oxygen, the brain will start to die in 4-6 minutes. A key takeaway from this unit was seeing and actually practicing the steps to properly perform CPR on someone. With the nutrition unit we went over before, we learned that eating lots of meat means consuming a lot of cholesterol which can lead to a cardiac arrest. We know this because when cholesterol builds up in the arteries that blocks blood flow and no blood flow means a lack of oxygen with the heart stopping and going into cardiac arrest.

Core Competency Reflection

I work with others to achieve a goal.  

I chose this because, during the CPR practice on the dolls I was able to work with a partner and we took even intervals practicing.

I participate in activities that support my well-being and take responsibility for my well-being. 

I chose this because, I took responsibility to actually do the work in all the booklets.

I am kind to others, and support others when they need it. 

I chose this because, I encouraged my partner during the CPR practice on the dolls and was able to answer any questions they had.

I can reflect on my thinking. 

I chose this because, I was able to reflect on my thinking during the test and could independently do booklet work.


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