My Digital Footprint

The one thing in my digital footprint that contributed to the online community is the time when I made my own website using Wix, a free website builder. The website had a bit of info about me, but I took it down because it did contain some private info (although I’m not sure if the private info was actually private, but still). Control of identity applies to some parts of my footprint where I make my identity a secret, and only telling non private info about myself. Beacuse who knows who could be lurking on the web. On the web, I share info only to people that I’m familiar with, and the info I’m sharing is just some small stuff about me. When I comment on something, I know it’s a bad idea to post something that could attack or offend other people, so I mainly post small comments on stuff. There is a website that gathers a large group of fans for a particular movie, video game, etc.

If I ever consider moving schools, The teachers and principals there could look me up and decide that I’m allowed to move into this school. Or there could be negative things about me leaked so they could second thoughts.

When the time has come to look for a post secondary school appliction, the school I’m attending will probably look me up and figure that I would be good for them. Or they might reject me due to something I posted that they won’t like.

Someone might look me up and realize there is hardly any bad things that I’ve posted. Therfore there might be a good chance I might be accepted into whatever I’m planning to attend or join. Or, that person could maybe dig deeper and have second thought relating to the bad things I’ve left online, even if there’s a very few.

I sometimes doubt that my family and friends will actually dig up my digital footprint, but who knows? Maybe one day they will actually look me up and find my digital footprint and stuff. Or they will just leave it like the way it was.