Progress of Acoustic

I had to demonstrate my critical thinking skills throughout the entire process of my acoustic guitar. After I glued the back onto the sides, and I checked my sound board fit I realized I glued the back to the wrong side. By utilizes my critical thinking skills I was able to steam it off with an iron and water. When I glued the top of my body onto the sides, I found out that I forgot to glue some of the bracing in, so I made special clamps to reach inside my guitar to glue them in. I also tape of the measurement and stuck the ruler in with my piece until I got it into the right spot. The next guitar I make I am going to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes.

Final Foods Home Lab

I planned for my meal to be colorful, full of flavor and inviting. The spaghetti sauce I made should be thick, with a bit of kick and veggies in every bite. The noodles should stick to the wall (al dante). The romaine lettuce should be crunchy, the dressing is garlicky with a hint of lemon. My angel food cake should be fluffy, light, and golden brown on the outside. There should be a thin layer of lemon glaze, and it shouldn’t taste too sweet.

My meal tasted amazing! It was full of so many great flavors and colors. The spaghetti had a nice warming kick to it. I decided to cut the veggies into small pieces, so there was veggies in every bite. The noodles were al dante and the sauce turned out nice and thick. The salad had a garlicky flavor and was very fresh. The only thing was that I added too much lemon, but it still tasted great. The angel food cake I made was golden brown, fluffy and light. My cake had a thin layer of lemon glaze, which was not too sweet.

Overall I think everything was perfect for my family, but something I would definitely change would be adding less lemon to the salad.

I think my knife skills really showed, because the veggies were cut small and about the same size. I got veggies in every bite I took.

My family is a multi-cultural family. We like making a variety of different kinds of foods. For my dad spaghetti was a comfort food for him and his parents when he was young. I thought it would be a great meal to make, because we really enjoy making this and I believe it describes my cultural identity perfect. I made angel food cake for dessert, because my grandma would always make this for birthdays.

Cooking At Home 7

Today I made double chocolate cookies. For these I used my moms recipe from her recipe book. They are so soft and they melt in your mouth. I made a double batch, and I didn’t have many chocolate chips, so some of them did not have any. Next time I would probably add more chocolate chips. Something I had trouble doing was scooping the cookies the same size. I tried using one spoon, but than I tried using two and made it a lot easier. I think my greatest success was sharing them with my cousins, because they really enjoyed them. I am very proud of not eating them all myself and how soft and mouth watering they were. Overall they turned out amazing 🙂

Buddah Bowl

This dish was very successful for me, because everyone got to pick what they wanted inside their bowls. I did not have any challenges making this dish. It went very well and I am definitely going to make it again. The vegetables were fresh and the texture of the quinoa completed the meal. Overall it went very well 🙂

Cooking at Home 4

Today I made fried rice with the left over pork from the tacos. I did not use a recipe. I made a pot of rice and let it cool. I washed and cut up carrots and celery to saute. I stared frying the rice and added 3 scrambled eggs. Once the vegetables were tender and the meat was reheated, I combined everything in with the rice. I added soy sauce to taste. I finely cut green onions to add just before serving. The most successful thing about this dish was definitely the pork, because it was still tender and it wasn’t dry. There were no challenges about this dish. Even though this dish was easy to make, it was one of the best tasting dishes I’ve made so far.

Cooking at Home 4

I planned to cook Korean style pork tacos and marinated the pork the night before. For the marinate sauce I used 3 tbsp sesame oil, 3 tbsp ground ginger, 3 tbsp garlic, 6 tbsp soy sauce, 6 tbsp sugar, 1/2 cup hot water and gochujang to taste. I mixed the ingredients together and added the pork to refrigerate overnight. Preparing the meat the night before made it an easy meal to cook and serve. The next day I thinly sliced green onions, chopped thai basil, sliced cabbage and cut the carrots julienne style for the slaw. I mixed the prepared vegetables together with mayonnaise and sprinkled the slaw with black sesame seeds. The slaw added color to this dish. All that was left to do was cook the meat and heat the tacos. The meat was very tender and smelled so good. I warmed the taco shells and filled with the slaw and meat. They not only looked good, everyone enjoyed them. I don’t think I would change anything, but might try chicken or beef next time. The most successful thing about this meal, was marinating the meat over night, I think it was very tender. Overall I think it was a success 🙂

Cooking at Home 3

Tonight I made pho for my family. This was a quick and easy meal to make. I did not use a recipe. I put Pho broth in the first pot to boil, and two other pots of water for vegetables and the noodles. I washed and prepared the vegetables while I was waiting for the pots to boil. I cut the beef balls into pieces. Once all the pots were boiling, I put the beef into a pot of water, the noodles into another pot of water and the bok choy into the broth. When all the ingredients were heated I put them into bowls. I also had bowls of cut up cilantro, green onion, bean sprouts and thin cut red onion that could be added to your bowl as desired. this also added color to your bow. Than I placed bowls of hoison sauce and Chinese BarBQ sauce on the table. I did not find meal hard to prepare, and the main challenge was the timing of everything being ready at the same time to add to the bowls. I felt accomplished when everyone sat down and said they enjoyed the meal. I was proud of how the meal looked and tasted. Overall It was very successful! 🙂

Cooking at Home Week 2

Tonight I made a stir fry using a variety of vegetables we had at home. I did not use a recipe, I put a pot of rice on and started chopping vegetables while the beef was marinating. The marinate sauce consisted of garlic, oyster sauce, sweet soy sauce and sesame oil. The marinate smelt very garlicky and I knew it was going to make a tasty sauce. When all the vegetables were cut up on the cutting board it was very colorful. Than I sauteed the vegetables until their texture was still slightly crunchy. I stir fried the thin beef at a high temperature until it was sizzling and browned. The meat was very tender and juicy. If I was to make this dish again I would try chicken instead of beef. I did not find meal hard to prepare, so I did not have any challenges making it. I felt accomplished when everyone sat down and said they enjoyed the meal. I was proud of how the meal looked and tasted. Overall It was very successful! 🙂

Cooking at Home Week 1

I used a piping bag to ice my cupcakes. There are many different things you can use a piping bag for, like pancakes, macaroons and decorating cookies. There is not really any safety concerns with this tool. To properly use a piping bag you first have to put the tip in the bag. Next you get a spatula and fill your bag, with the filling you choose. I used used icing to decorate the cupcakes. Fold over the top of the bag to make sure the icing does not spill out of the top. Finally squeeze and decorate your cupcakes. If you do not have a piping bag, instead you could just use a spoon, knife or spatula to spread the icing. It wont look as pretty, but it will taste just as good. I shared my cupcakes with my brother and he thought they were great, but said he could have made them better. To make my chocolate cupcakes I used a recipe online. If I were to change anything, I would have made vanilla icing instead, because it seemed like too much chocolate. Overall they were amazing. I think my greatest success making these was the look of the final product. I am most proud of learning how to use a piping bag, and am excited to try new designs on the next batch of cupcakes.


The breakfast potato lab went very well for my group. We all cooperated to get it finished on time. We were able to get everything prepared before we started to cook, such as: our sink set up, partially cooked the potatoes, veggies cut, grated cheese and our egg cracked in a separate custard cup. This went very smoothly and efficiently because we communicated with each other to make a plan. When working in a group communication is important, so it stays organized and safe. We all had a job to do, which made it easier to stay on task and out of each others way. The final dish was delicious and well worth all the effort we put into it. The only minor challenge that we faced was watching our food cook instead of using that time to clean up, but overall it was a success!