My Digital Footprint


When I searched “Tyler Folster” on google, I found my Instagram account. My account is public, which means anyone can view my post. When I first got Instagram, my dream was to become like a famous scooter rider named Tanner Fox. Tanners videos really inspired me to push myself to get better and make my own videos. Now that I have started getting more views and likes on my videos. I believe it has an impact on the online community, because the younger children that view my videos always message me encouraging comments and ask for tips. Some of the kids like to ask what skate parks I like to go to, and sometimes I meet them there. I usually like to help and they like challenging me to new tricks.  Not all the people who view my videos support what I post, but I don’t think they will affect my future. I scooter because it’s something that I enjoy, and if someone disagrees with it doesn’t mean I should stop doing what I love to do. I didn’t really think about how my post would control my online identity, but I believe this will not have a negative impact for my future.  

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Speech Fluency Reflection

I think I did a great job researching for my speech. I believe my speech was an important topic even though it was humorous. Something i learnt was that people can be really dumb, which made realize whats the point of getting in trouble when there is no reason. I found that the criminals wanted to be caught and punished. This will help me in the future because they showed me what not to do, which made me think I don’t want to end up like them. Easy bib really helped me create my citations. For me it is simple and I am comfortable using it. I also thought the schools website really helped me too, because I used the links to help me research and find good sources. I found it was the most helpful for my speech. I think I need to improve on the structure of my citations, but overall I think I did a great job researching.

Industrial Innovation Project

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I found the problems were easy to find because I found good websites for my research. I used easy bib to cite them, so I knew they were reliable. I found that the solution was to create more advanced machinery and make everything more automated. While researching the problems of the water frame, I thought of ways it could be improved with the advancements in technology. I was able to think of a environmentally friendly solution. My idea was to cut costs and make it easier for the farmers to produce yarn themselves. I thought my innovation was kind of boring, but I was satisfied with the outcome. I thought my project was organized, appealing and creative because I drew a picture of the water frame and created a new and improved machine that was better than the water frame in my opinion. I wished I spent more time on my project and made a model of the water frame, but overall I think I did a great job.

Revolution Timeline

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I feel my information is reliable because I used easybib to cite my work, and made sure it had the name of the author, the date, and the article title. I also checked on different reliable websites to see if the information was good. I used power point because I’m comfortable using it and it was the easiest to get photos on my timeline. I really liked how my designed looked, it had photos on each slide, a bit of information on each, and a link for each photo. I think something I needed to work on was double checking my grammar and reading through it more than once.C