Show and Tell Presentation Reflection and Self- Assessment

Curricular Response

I believe the strengths of my show and tell was the information and the quiz I made. I thought that my information was a strength because it was well thought out and researched. The information was also important to know because there are real life problems that stereotypes contribute to. I thought my quiz was a strength because it kept the class interested and engaged in my presentation.

Next time, I would practice going over my slides a few times before presenting. This would make me feel more comfortable presenting in front of the class. I would also start my project earlier and do small parts of it everyday instead of doing it in four days.

Core Competency Self-Assessment

I chose to research about horror movie cliques because I watch a lot of classic slasher movies like Scream and Halloween. I noticed that there were a lot of similarities between the characters in this type of film. This made me interested on why the characters were so similar and why that could be a negative thing.

To collect information relevant to my presentation I had to look through many different websites.. Many websites had the same information, so it was hard for me to find unique or different information about my presentation. However, I just kept searching different things and eventually a website with different information would come up.


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