Core Competency Self-Assessment

Critical and Reflective Thinking

Our justice system should be more rehabilitative. Jails are made for people to serve a punishment and be put back into society. People make mistakes and are often harshly punished for it in jail. Jail is a hard punishment because of the system that is set up. Instead of rehabilitating the inmates to be a better member of society, jails are meant to mentally and physically affect the inmate. People who are put in jail for a mistake are often released and become a worse member of society because of the mental effects of the system. At this moment, people who have served their punishment are put back into society with very little support. After being in the criminal justice system it is hard to get a job. Without systems in place to help past convicts, our society will not get better and will not prevent crimes from happening.

I can analyze evidence to make judgments. Writing this paragraph I used evidence from Canadian articles about the Canadian justice system to make my point about rehabilitation. I also considered other’s ideas about the Canadian justice system. 


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