Animate E-Card Reflection 


  • What is the theme/message of your E-Card? 

Out of all events, I chose for the e-card to say Happy Halloween through a transition of pictures that I found off the internet while hiding pictures of webs as the background and changing the zoom. Lastly, I downloaded a video of Halloween music from YouTube after searching through around 20 different ones and imported that into the Adobe Animate. For some reason when turning it in on Teams, it wouldn’t load so I searched through different websites that would load and I found one, but it didn’t show the frames. I had to try importing the Adobe version again in front of the teacher, but I couldn’t find it, I didn’t save it. Because of that, I had to restart but couldn’t find the same pictures, so I did a completely different E-card that wasn’t as good as the first one because I was in a rush since having to restart got me one unit behind. My second E-card was the same theme but with a rolling pumpkin with a white background rolling into another white background, the pumpkin jumping while using the “squish and squash” technique, a happy Halloween blinking in and out next to the pumpkin taking up 1/4 of the screen, then a knight chasing the pumpkin away, then the knight being stationary next to the happy Halloween sign. I then quickly tried to find a Halloween soundtrack from the free sound website after looking through around five different ones, downloaded it, and imported that. For some reason, the second E-card was able to upload onto Teams and I turned it in. 

  • What core competencies did you demonstrate with the E-Card Assignment?  

I believe I demonstrated part of my third core competency goal in the long run of this assignment. 

My third and final goal is to build a characteristic that is respectable, disciplined, honest, efficient, and trustworthy. As people go through high school, we are faced with many challenges, including peer pressure, assignment stresses, procrastination, social skills, and concerns over body changes. Facing those challenges and rising above them is the key. When a person can advocate for themselves, resist peer pressure, and adapt to changes in their environment and themselves, it builds their character. My goal is to be a well-rounded adult. In doing so, I need to not only focus on the task at hand but had to manage the order in which I can easily map through my priorities… I could have just found an Animate E-card off the internet, but I held myself back, I didn’t lie, didn’t want to, and didn’t plan on it. Back in middle school I didn’t have the skill to organize my assignments very well nor had the efficiency skills to complete them even if they were organized. Now in high school, I can take a step up. In middle school I also couldn’t advocate for myself very much, now in high school I am able to write and talk with sense and not say whatever comes to my mind. If I still couldn’t verbally defend for myself, when I couldn’t find the pictures on the internet I used in-front of my teacher, she probably would have given me a 0 thinking I was cheating when I made the first e-card and that I found it instead of actually made it. Next time, I won’t be as clumsy as I was in the making of this assignment.