Desmos is a game mainly for laptop, computer, or pc. This game is designed to be an educational game of exercising mathematical thinking to narrow down graphs by asking yes or no questions to the person who picked a graph out of the options given. The goal is to figure out what graph the other person chose in the shortest time possible and with the least questions possible, each graph deemed not it should be justified and make sense. Yes, this mean you need a partner in order to play Desmos as there are no npc/robots.
Core Competency Reflection
I can easily identify where I need help in math and where I am fully and confidently able to help others learn and grasp concepts.
I don’t require nor use internal motivation to do most math related things because I find it as fun as doing a word search or sudoku, especially when it is put into a game format like Desmos even if I generally dislike that aspect of math. For some aspects of math like graphing or order of operations with decimals, I do use internal motivation which is simply “do it now, do it later with possibly less motivation and energy, or don’t do it at all and get a not so good mark/grade.” Of course, I pick the first option, I don’t gamble with the second one, plus I could have free time or at least less work later if I do the work currently.
I stay proactive and openly accept opportunities for positive and healthy self-growth, whilst reactively retaliating against anything that will reduce my mental growth or physical health. I use my skills and the knowledge I gain to constantly develop myself and others.