Communication Competency Example + Science 9

I demonstrated the Communication Core competency in my egg drop challenge. Me and my groupmate worked on this egg dropper together but I took the lead unlike previous years where I did what was told I coordinated what our build should look like and completed the projected. One of the ways I ensure my group is clear on the common purpose is to talk with my group members beforehand and assign each person a role/task to complete. In discussions and conversations, I help to build and extend understanding by asking follow up questions in order to truly understand what my groupmates are talking about and to help us accomplish our goals successfully. I can work with others to achieve a goal shown by me and my groupmates successful completion of the egg drop project.
Thinking Core Competency + English 9

I demonstrated the Thinking Core Competency in my Independent Novel movie. I compiled points, facts and observations about my book over a extended period of time and presented it in front of the class. I can reflect on my thinking demonstrated by me going on stage and presenting my thoughts from beginning of the project to the end. I can persevere over time to develop my ideas, and I expect setbacks and failure, but use that to develop my ideas. I suffered through multiple setbacks while trying to prepare the presentation but I persevered and used my failures to develop my future ideas. Others find my feedback useful because I don’t sugarcoat my feedback. I am 100% honest with my feedback and it might hurt to hear now in the long term it will be helpful for the person to know how to improve their work and reach their potential. One strategy or activity that stimulates my imagination is going outside for a walk, without music no distractions just me, my thoughts and nature it helps become calm and helps me focus on creating new and creative ideas.
Personal and Social Core Competency + Social Studies 9

I demonstrated my Personal and Social Core Competency on my notecards. I researched the provided resources and came up with 2 pages each for each topic. The topics were chimney sweeps, coal miners, factory workers. They were all about child labor and helped me see how lucky I am to be living in the year 2024. I can show a sense of accomplishment and joy. I take pride in my work and myself because I know how hard I worked to complete the notecards and how sweet the taste of completion was. I can use strategies to help me find peace and I sustain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I take a break and listen to music which will usually get me calmed down and in the mood to work again. Some of the ways I work to build and maintain relationships are talking to people and listening to their opinions.
How I’ve grown as a Grade 9 student from beginning of year to end of year at Centennial
I have improved at meeting deadlines and working efficiently within the time given which was tough at first because of the amount of assignments I was given but eventually I came up with a system to complete my work within the deadline and stress free.
I have gotten better at communicating efficiently and properly with my groupmates during group projects. During the beginning of the year it was tough to start group projects because usually no one would talk and we wouldn’t have a clear sense of who was gonna do what part and how we were gonna do it but throughout the year I have started communicating better with my groupmates and have improved my communication skills.
I also am more vocal during in-class discussions and provide helpful insights. I was not as vocal at the beginning of the year but as I got more comfortable in my environment it got easier to communicate my opinions and observations to the class.