My Grade 9 Year
My grade 9 year was a long, stressful but also rewarding year of personal and academic growth. This year I enjoyed my English class where we learned about ancient literature. This year I realized I learn best by listening to the curriculum instead of reading it over and over again trying to memorize it. When I am having difficulty with something, I usually try to find solutions online. If I cannot find solutions online I ask someone for help and if that doesn’t succeed, I try to figure out the issue myself.
A useful educational website
I chose Perplexity because it makes researching and gathering information much easier. Perplexity also links their sources so you can check them and make sure the sources aren’t biased or bad information.
A Useful Educational Video
I chose the movie Harriet because it gave me perspective on the slave trade. Instead of it just being words on paper I could see what life was back then for slaves and how much better life is now.
A Useful Educational Image

I chose this picture because I really liked the French Revolution unit. Learning about the struggles of the common man back in the 18th century was really eye opening.
An Inspirational Quote
“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”
I chose this quote because sometimes you have to go through months, if not years, worth of hard work to achieve your dreams.
Works Cited
Focus Features. HARRIET | Official Trailer | Now Playing. 2019. YouTube,
Storming of the Bastille | French Revolution, Causes, & Impact | Britannica. 19 Apr. 2024,
“20 Motivational Quotes That Will Help You Never Give Up.” Country Living, 14 Apr. 2020,