My Feeling Emoji
Health and Wellness Core Competency Reflection
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I clear my mind completely, block out unhelpful thoughts and direct all of my focus on the thing I need to do. For example, when we are playing a game that requires some form/degree of precision, such as say, badminton or softball, and I miss the birdie with my racquet or the softball with the bat, I try my best to block out all negative thought and just focus on succeeding the next time I get a chance. It can feel even worse when you are playing a team game where your performance affects other players (and they’ll be sure to let everyone on the planet know of their disappointment, even though some of them couldn’t score if their life depended on it). But I can easily block that out and just focus on the task. This also means that I don’t make a big deal about it when I fail, neither do I make a big deal and rub it in when I succeed.
I would like to get better at soccer and lacrosse next year. I got better at them during this semester, but there’s room to improve.