My First Year

My Grade 9 Year

This first year in high school has been pretty good. I thought it would have been a lot more difficult then it was. The thing I was most excited about was the freedom that I now have in high school for example instead of having lunch monitors we can go wherever we want to like 7/11 or the gas station. Another thing I like about high school is the more self motivated work that we have like this assignment. One thing that I miss about middle school is my friends because most of them are still in middle school.

My Useful Educational Video

I find that this video motivates me to get stuff done:

My Useful Educational Image

A lot like the video i find this image motivates me to work:

My Educational Website

Lessons Worth Sharing | TED-Ed

Why I chose this website is because it has helped me understand some topics that I did not previously know about. They’re videos are awesome as well

My inspirational quote

“The only place to go from failure is to succeed”

-Tom Platz

Work Cited

“Kevin Levrone Posing.” Bing,×315.jpg& Accessed 10 May 2024.

Kevin Levrone Report. 1of3 Finding Your Purpose/Kevin Levrone. 2018. YouTube,

ADL Social Studies- Ethical Judgement

Reflection Questions- Is violence justified during a revolution/ protest?

A) how did the use of AI assist you in developing this project – the us of ai helped me in the writing process because i could’ve written it but it would take a long time

B) How did you ensure that the work you creates was still your own, rather than just the product of AI – using my own words instead of just copying and pasting the result

C) Did you agree with the position you had to argue? Why or why not? – yes because i agree with all my points i made in the presentation

Core Competency Reflection

Examples of where I communicate clearly and purposefully can be seen in my audio recording because i used my script

When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I ask them questions to get the ball rolling