3 Year GIC
90,509,287 + 30,000
Year 1 – 80,000 x 1.042=83360 + 10,000
Year 2 -83360 x 1.042= 86861.12 + 10,000+ 10000
Year 3 – 86861.12 x 1.042= 90509.29 +30000
I chose this for me because GIC is a secure with investments. you also get money at the end of your term. the bad thing about GIC is that you will get taxed on the interest earned if the GIC is held outside a registered account. I’d say GIC is more for me because I don’t really like taking risks so I would go with GIC because it has little risks unlike stocks, yes you can get more money but that would require giving up more with a higher chance of failing.
Collaboration and Contributions:
Working with my group was okay, I didn’t communicate with them at all.
I contributed by occasionally plugging numbers into my calculator and showing them, the other people in my group contributed to my learning by communicating and explaining what they were doing.
There was other solutions, I chose the one that I felt made somewhat sense for me.
I would rate my communication in that group a 1. I did not talk at all in that group and I occasionally participated by using my calculator and showing them, not even telling them what the number was, just silently showing what was I got in the calculator.
Core Competency Reflection
Personal Awareness and Responsibility
When I need to boost my mood or re-focus, I occasionally turn off my device and take a look at what I’m supposed to do and try to understand it if I start to zone out.
When I need to work collaboratively with people I don’t know well, I sometimes speak up and try to understand what we are trying to do. Depending on the subject I try to converse and listen to others.
Creative Thinking
When it seems the good ideas just won’t come to me, I tend too leave it and come back to it later to try and refresh my mind, sometimes when I leave something and come back to it later I think of something and can work off that.
Critical and Reflective Thinking
I use evidence to make judgements or decisions as demonstrated in my justification part of the assignment.